you are my lucky visitor no :

hawtie and cutie followers ;)

26 August 2014

helllllllllllllllllllllllllloooooooooooooo there ;)

hey.. its been awhile since my last update! im done with my college, im done woeking now dduk uma goyang kaki saja. heheh. but still, im with my man, afiq . idk why im posting this, but tah lah ttbe rase nak luah kan dun noe to whom but here, in  my blog. hahaha.

lifes good, so far. been thru a lots. ups n down, well biasa lah kan umor dah tua mcm2 lah kene hadap hahaha. rasanya kat snie ta ramai kot baca, ahh biarlahh!

sedih laa lately, almost 6 years da kwn, kwn yg dlu xde bf skag dh kawen ade ank dah pun, me?? camni jela.. blm rezeki lg kot. hehe takpe sabar tuh kan pntg. x kesah lah kan pasal tuh.. but the only thg that haunted me right now is my relationship.

idk this relation blh tahan lg ke x. whenhe admit he had someone else, ko rasa??????? penat lah.... penat bcnte lama2 klu end up dy xde ape.. its not like im not tryin or do something but... sampai bila?? but thats okay, i take it as a karma for me. dlu aku pnah buat, now its afiq punya turn aa. so i dun get mad.

pujuk diri sndr, muhasabah diri. yes! i admit aku banyk buat silap selama ni, maybe its too late for me to fix it. so i would just let afiq doin watever he want. insyaAllah klu ade jodoh ade lahh. klu xde pun, xpela. i try to survice with my own life tho its hard.

jodoh kita blh cari, insyaAllah klu niat btol kita akan jmp org yg btol. hehe. just wish me luck n kuat lahh.. blh x ? blh x kuat? blh laaa bolehh hehe.. peace out! xoxo


06 February 2013

hello, im back!

since forever dah meninggalkan blog yg dah sakai ni, akhirnya saya menulis balik. ececehh! dah banyakkkkkkkkkk sangat yg da jd sepanjang x menulis blog even x smp stahun pun. hihi btw hello 2013 ! hehe. ok lets share some stories ;)

  • saya dah habes blaja, since july last year. my fashion show is doin very very well though banyak pahit dr manisnya. alhamdullilah berjaya jgk settlekan sume n habes blaja. hehe alhamdullilah :)
  • now im working.. wooahh im with lotsa cash money in my pocket! haha. poyo taw. err tjebak dgn 50 cents actly hee :P keje kilang je but okay lah then nthg kan. mmg jao pun pegi dy. dr make up pegi admin, hehe.
  • thun lepas, after afiq balik kmpg selang bape bln dpt thu nenek meninggal mngejut, xnk cte bnyak.. yg pasti, we always miss u like we did to mama, al-fatihah...
  • im still tgther with afiq. syukur ku tidak punya ramai teman yg setia tp ckop ade dia yg paling istimewa. yg salu ade waktu ssh n snang yg plaing pntg snggup mnyayangi spenuh aty. haha! tq :*
so hmm tgh tgu pkul6 ni nak balik. i know know lamaaaaaaaaaa :( okbyee.

14 May 2012

happy mama's day all moms in the whole world :)

hari yang paling sedih dlm hidup sejak 5 tahun yang lepas. btw, happy mothers day mama nowa! thanx cse be my bestfren,my next mom n raise me up with full of love n lotsa moneyy ka-chinngggggggs! $_$ hehe

so utk tidak menghampakan perasaan aku (konon konon) abah bawak celebrate mothers day utk mama nowa kat kukup pontian. hmm tah, everytime mothers day im gonna be org yg paling sebak! cse im gonna miss mama moreeeeee! bufday dye n mothers day is on may! so sad ok, tsk tsk :'(

yes i do have mama nowa, but still mama cant be replaced by anyone, no one!

movie time !

last friday tgk movie gn afiq n wa. suppose my mom join tapi sbb kn dy bnyak keje kami dating b3 aje lahh yerr. ok 1st of all cte nih mmg klaka gila.. haha wajib tonton k! sumpah ta nyesal korg ngekeh bdekak! hehe

btw before tgk wayang, aku gn afiq da buat wayang k. sampai ajak wawa balik, cancel tgk wayang, almost burn taw tiket wayang kul 7.45 tuh tp naseb baek wawa lom beli ag, last2 dy beli tiket kul 9.45 sbb kitrg da ok balik! hehe kesimpulannya mmg dy taley bgado gn aku :P

well actly minggu ni bnyk wat surprise. booo! ingat aku na terkejutkn afiq rupenye org lain yg tekejut taw haha surpriseee! padan muke next time jgn na mgatal gn laki org! kn da maluu sndr, skit aty sndr! :) ptot aku yg jelos, eh ni pmpn tuh lak yg jelos, pape jek taw!

and and skarag tgh bz na final palingggggggg palingg palingg nebes da na dekat fashion show :) ya Allah seram gilaa weyh, seram! aku sbnrnye ta prepare ape2 lg taw :( tkot sgt sumpah takot, sbb aku nye mekap ta cantek lg !!! hahahaha da mls na bebel, nty sedih! :(

afiq baby, me n wa! yeahhhh

hye there, long time no see me? heee :-*

04 May 2012

eh blog da baru?

ok da lame gila kot ta update blog tetibe na tdo ni saja melawat blog yg da lame ditingallin ini. heh? hehe. da baru aku pun da tareti na guna camne. ahha! tapi slowly learn lahh yer mcm bese, SIGH!

nothg interesting to be share. hmm in a months im getting finish my studyin. hiphiphooreeeyyhhhh pls ! hehe. then yeahh da over 3 years with him. kolej ok, frens ok life? ok lahh :)

just for few months sakit, im gettin skinny, believe it or not berat aku srag 44.6 kgs! hahaha ta pnah sekurus itu!!! sakit kan. sume tgur da kurus, mak shaz,ika. paling sedih afiq pun :( dy tasuke! ahh bia ah :P pastuh hm tah skrg da recover balik, slowly lahh. alhamdullilah :)

so far bz ya amat. class full sampai ptg, sometimes ary sabtu pun ade kelas! kesian kami kan :( what to do, have to lahh kn.. then aa we'll see whats happends next lah. da abes blaja tade plan lg nak watpe. tgk keadaan lah na keje ke ape ke, yg penting fashion show ni kene setel cpat klu x bley gila aku di buatnye! hahaiii :D

so thats all for all. haha! ouh yeah i cut off my hair! haha ramai ckp gila! yeahh boring sgt da with the image of  'sweetie lisa' watsoeva lahh. skarag da potong rambut pelik2 da fierce sket k. haha.

rambut ini adalah hasil pengaruh cher lloyd! ahhhhhhh!!!! love her much!

15 March 2012

puas kene sekolahkan?

for a whole day aku meroyan. dari bukak mata sampai da na ttutp ni ta benti2 aku na meroyan. rasa kan lahh. aku klu org ta carik pasal gn aku, aku diam lah xkn ttbe nk meroyan. bile aku ilek org bakar2. pale pak hang ah! MMG AKU BAKAR KORG SAMPAI HANGUS. yg die nih plak aduhh cm taleyy pk ah ko wat awek mmbe ko cmni ta malu?? what if mmbe2 ko yg lain wat awek ko cm ko wat kat aku eh ape perasan??

da r korg perasan lg na slh2 kn org, arituh bukan main wat cerita cam superhero bila aku meroyan sakan haa mmsg kua lahh cte nur kasih pe lancau sume. ko pulak? back up lg kawan ko?? na jernih kn keadaan nahh hamekk gn ko skli aku sembur kn! eh klu aku x mroyan mmg ko xkn pnah bkak mate! ape bdo sgt?? wakie wakie baby 2 thun!! 2thun bnde yg pelu aku na cte balik??? ke ko wat tanampak???

na ckp aku kwaja?? aku kwaja?? abes kawan ko tuh pebende?? terlebih di ajar sampai jd cmtuh? ko mmg ta ajar dy jd cmtuh tp ko slp plih dy jd kawan ko, SILAP! ko degil kn? tape aku layankan je dr dlu aku ikot je pe ko nak. tp bile bnde ta elok aku tgur cbe r ko skli dgr, ko sndr thu aku tgur de sbb. bile jd btol ujung2 ko g lari cte kat sape???? aku jgk, gf ko!

abes skag mmbe ko wat gnie ko na ckp ape??? ke mmg sme bnde nk tunjuk jd kat batang hidung ko baru na rase bslh??? slme gn aku lahh da bape bnyak rase bslh ko da kmpol?? na ckopkan segunung ke ape?? satu ary nty klu bace balik, ingt btol2 er ape aku ckp ni! suke kan bace blog aku??? baca taw!! :)

bnde yg mnyakitkn aty sume aku pendam sbb demi ko, jnji aku bhgia gn ko, pegghh tp pk ah balik dr dlu aku salu ckp kawan2 ko je yg masalah penah ke kawan aku carik mslh gn ko???? lg na kwaja.. eh ta pnah dlm sjrh hdup ko lg mmbe2 aku kwaja gn ko!! dan x akan pnah ingt sampai mati!!!!!!

bende cmni btol2 wat aku rasa na blah dr hdup ko! siosly ko anggap bnde ni kecik, ok fine! tp jgn sampai aku ungkit balik pebende sume ! jgn sampai aku pegi depan umah ko campak pebende harta bdo ko ni sume! jgn sampai, jangan! JANGANNN! klu aku da wat, aku buat jgn r cabar!

klu aku jd ko aku malu dpt kwn cmni! klu aku jd hydar aku malu kat afiq! klu aku jd aishah aku malu n mntak maap kat sume org! 1000x dorg mntak maap kat aku pun xkn aku na wat dang mst lh aku maapkn tp ape yg dorg buat bajek aku bley lupe????! haa pk sndr. sok luse ade ag, jgn smp tkene btg hdung sndr!

i dun believe in karma but i do believe in qada n qadar. soooo ok me calm already just hoping that GOD BLESS ALL OF THEM! aku jd afiq aku malu, sbb sau wat gf sendiri teraniaya! cmni jnji ko na jage aku elok2? baek2?? aku rase aku yg terlalu jage ko! okbye!

25 February 2012

lamanyaaa ta blogging, tade mase sgt taw! too bz since da ehemm bertambah usia. ngehngehngeh! life is good kot. baru aje excident, org langgar! terok gak but no worries da repair n claim insurans rg tuh padan muka ko!! mwehehe.

study? pun ok lahh jgak. love? ok jugak. frenship?? ok minah kelate is dead!! sori to say aku mmg kurg bkenan gn org kelantan tataw lah erk mmg dr ape yg aku nmpak dorg mmg baek, sangat2 taw. tp baek2 dorg mst akn skli tuh dorg wat taek yg korg akn ingt smp bile2! but tahu lah, ta sume cmtuh kn :) mgkin segelintir atau ape dr yg selama ni jd kat depan mata kebetulan je kot, tp kebetulan yg teralu bnyak ke?

biala tanak jd isu perkauman. eh ta pasal! haha. yg lain ok kot! :) so na share pic ape je erk?? jap er!
ouh lupe arituh afiq ikot kite balik kampung kat perak, also balik kl. uma knana n kak baby :)

this is us. the off n on cple all the way of the every years. haha yall!

afiq n my beloved the one n only nenek!!

dan sy ade baby cats, baru je bela! omellllllll kn?kn? weee

masa excident :(

P/S : thanx to abg yg langgar sbb nye smp skag aku fobia na bawak kereta n neok cermin kereta sbb rase ngilu je tkot org blkg bawak laju langgar kereta aku mcm abg yg yall tuh buat :(

01 February 2012


lame ta update, just share sikit jela yer cerita terkini. im stress rite now! tadi pg text abah cakap na quit study pasal aku rasa aku da tahan gn pressure n sume nye lg da. then abah call askin me why so i tell him everythg! dari theme fashion show aku yg telah dicuri n all plus lecturer yg mengarut abes suke bg kerje last minute like WTF?

im in my final years n nobody understand how is the preasure! penat taw, hari2 na kene buat asgment pastuh na kene pk lg utk mekap n hair utk fashion show final sem nih. tuh belom lg na siapkan draft LI yg mcm hapewwww tuh! tlg lahh kenapa mereka kejam kkdag?? :( aku da snang2 dpt tjuk, ade yg selamba badak amek n with approval from lecturer! bagus nye lecturer tuh kn? tape lahh, mudah2an hdp lect tuh snang dunia akhirat nty sbb da nyusahkan hdp org lain :)

so nw aku kene carik SPONSOR utk dapatkan baju theme aku, its ANIME n aku wat karakter shinku form rozn maiden. ohmaiii, anyone yg interested wants to sponsor me?? :(

mcm2 lahh keje yg dapat hujung2 ni smp tataw na siapkan yg mane due date sume dkat2 lak tuh, so kesimpulannya aku blur n stress n ckp gn abah n na quit!! luckily abh advice n bg courage to face all this. klu bnti syg, klu trs kn pressure utk lg bbrape bln je kn. tape lh sabar jelaaa. ily abah. thanks for care! uhuk2 :'*

13 January 2012

hye bloggielisa, miss me ta? ahakss :D

whoaa its been a very long longg longgg time kan since i never update my blog. hiks bz daa. ok so many thgs happen trough all the months n last year. btw happy new years you guys! lambat lak kan? haha. so check my reviews spnjg sy mnyepi. statement ala2 artis nokk. haha.

  • da abes praktikal. walau mcm2 dugaan n malang yg menimpa diri ini aku berjaya menghabiskan LI dgn jaya nya skli. syabas LISA NURUL SYAZWANI BINTI SAMAD! ahakss.
  • abes LI aku start keje kat guess, omg im so happy workin there. new environment new frens n new in everythg. mcm2 pengalaman da dpt spnjg keje situ.
  • still lagi in a relationship dgn MUHD AFIQ AKMAL ISAHAK ta kire bacen mane pun mulot org n setan manenye prangai aku. ops sori to say, sape2 yg nk sgt eok kitrg seperate, bgs mmpi jelaa, for meanwhile we're soooo happy tgther :)
  • da start kelas, skag saya da jadi SENIOR!! haha. its my final sem honey. omg! though baru smlm je kelmarin daftar schedule da pack, omg plss mak ayam! bijik ta ready lg taw na wat projek utk fashion show nty. herghhh! animasi? ekstravaganza? plss tade idea lgsg dlm pale otak nih! :(
  • kelas da start so skag aku tgh pkrn na benti keje! hmm u know beeing around with people u love mcm ishh syg nye na tglkn dorg tp aku thu tgung jawab aku as a student so the best way is i should quit, blaja dlu then can do anythg bile da abes blaja nty.
  • about gegosip spnjg thun, just let it be. im happy now. tade any intention utk sakit kan aty sape2. so korg na watpe skag sukaty lahh yerr, mls kiahh na melayan sgt :) we are all grown up n should already know mane yg patot n ta patot. klu rase na meroyan n mmbenci sampai tua just go ahead but i never hate u :) 
  • lagi na cter ape? ouh keadaan sy baek2 saja walaupun mase na abes LI awto mm2 penyakit dpt :(

so here is some photos to be shared with y'all :)

always n forever my hero! 

closest friends kat tempat keje :)

with ezzy darling ;)

ouh n kite pun 1 kje gn iqa it just lain department je, i ladies dy kids :(

n tadaaa! my college girls! ♥ u guys taw! kawan till ever kay! tqe n we.

busuk always.hikhik


ok done doin everythg so lets sleep. nitey nite blogger :)

18 November 2011

lawatan ke HSA

last monday aku singgah hsa jap, cse mak afiq masuk wad na wat operation sakit telinga cse of ape ntah kan. so aku ketepuan bermain lahh bsama hp nya game angry bird. so si gedik ni pun sibuk la mgedik na main jugak, tape lahh kite layankan je ye.. :)

bila da boring main game, n neok afiq cam khusyuk sgt main game tuh aku pun snap2 lahh. haha tade keje sgt hisshh lisa nih kan mmg taw! haha. pastuh aikkk bese lahh wat muke mls na layan sume org pdahal dlm hati alamakk haii sgannyer lahaii ! haha

ok now unty normah ( :P ) da wat operation, yeahh pls recover ASAP unty, ary2 afiq risau sgt thingking bt u, so do i! take care may god take gud care of u! XOXO