hey hye hello,bjumpe lagi kite di dlm segmen bual bicare bsame sy pakar psychology anda,cik puan jelita muda juwita aishah !eh eh lisa nurul syazwani..ahaha !ta masal si sewel ne !waaa teringin lew pulok na kwen gn anak raja..huwaaaa !sape er ?eh ank dato K pun bley juge.eh tanak la,nty tadapat name pengeran ke cik puan ke,tanak ah !haha..sewel ne bbual kan,na up jewk :DD (err agak2 statement ne kene terjah ta gn kak rock nty??haha)
ptg ne mud mcm excited babih taw..gagaga !gaga o-lala !haha.sbnrnyer tade mud sgt pun tapi nape tah rase mcm na mmbebel ta sudah2.haha..eh na tawu la,kau g uma nuar watper hek ??mengunyit er ?!!!hahaha..wa ta mara beb,tanye je..lu jgn mara lak..hee :pp
eh eh,da tuka taw lagu !hehe..kiss me,behind the milky twilight..swing swing !lala..ahhaa..luv it !dlu kcik2 aku mnat gle bley gn m2m and britney spears..sbb akk2 aku dlu pengaruh barat dy sgt la bnyak eh bsar..haha !aku pun tejebak same..huuu :DD
err td lps tuka lagu carik gak layou2 yg menarik2..hehe..mcm suke taw neok pto rase mcm na tuka,tp tanak laa.blog ne punye layout da sweet,tamaw tuka..klu tuka pun na kat header tuh ade wing !bcz i luv layout yg ade wing2 ne,bajek cam angel la knon en..haha jadah kau lisa !haha..eh na ckp ne,awne en dgr bnyak kali taw lagu miley cyrus,when i look at u..suke part yg -u luv me fer who i am like the star hold the moon!- ayat na manis kan ? kan ?hehe..suke seyh and ayat yg paling sentap bile dy ckp 'sayang...time for ur bed..'
eh tbe2 lak teselit sal hal ne pehal ??haha..taching sket,maap !
and my favvy song of da week,gravity by pixie lott (wa mmg fan mnah ne..hehe).. suke bhaii lagu ne,lg part yg -be quiet, let me leave, let me go dun say another word cause with every sound u’re pullin’ me down- mcm bmakne g2..aww !hehe..and and 1 lg -i'm made to ignore the universe when I see u cause every nite the stars will shine verging into U-turns times- baik er lirik dye ?huhu..suke and mcm herrmm tah ek..ahhaa !dgr dgr kan la lagu tuh yer..
hey,and i think i miss him :(
but,harussss ker ??eh eh ,harusssssssss laahh !haha,ta sudahh kan !?hermm na cte ne !busan doe gn ms tuh..haha !abes yg komen sume cam miang2 jew..ade plg besh,ckp na carik abg dy,lps xcdnt abg dy ilang ta mcj2 dy..plik gak en,pto dy kate tuh actly abg angkat dy..aduiiiduiii dik non oii !ta pham2 lg ke asl abg angkat awk tuh wat cmtuh ??tuh psay abg angkat awk tuh da ta bkenan lg la tuh na bkwn gn awk..huhu !and i keep wondering pesal knape pmpn zmn skag smken bdo utk thegeh2 kawan gn laki ??aduii bukak sket bjik mate tuh bley ??jgn jd mcm perigi cari timba..haa !kan da bperibahasa..haha !cikgu kamil,anda seharusnyer merasa bangga terhadap sy skag,krn BM sy smkin mengimprove..haha !
emm mcm mnyampah taw sbnrnye na bckp psl cinte !haha ta masal.so kite kene tuka topik pula yerr..hmm kat ms en bnyak er dak2 yg amek pix muke na kawaii..bajek jepun g2..ahaha !cantek doe,ade yg cantek ,mmg cantek laa kan,seus dowg mmg comey2 la kan.tp ade gak yg na jadi fake kawaii..haha jadahnyerr !eeeyyuuuww tasuke bhaii cibhaii..bajek pakai contex lens then pkai eyeliner tebal2,tayang aa konon mate cantek..haha klaka jew !aduii..cube try buang eyeliner yg tebal 2inci 1/5 tuh and tayah pkai contex lens,ade lawo ke mate dy ??uhuuh..jahat er aku condemn owg ?
okok cte len lak..hmm lately mmg on9 ms utk rep komen jew..so,to myspacer,sori klu ta brape na melayan komen2 yg dihantar yer!cehh bajek cam hot la plak kan !haha..pto FBians lak mcm ta malu je mntak2 no..haha..alamak bang,lupe aa no fon sy bape,no public fon na ta ??agagaga..and ade yg soh aku wat kan sign pix..haha !klaka la..mmbe baik faiz zmn skola dlu yerr !ahha weyh taik ah ko na kncing !ko gn faiz bkn ngam pun !faiz ta igt sgt ko pun sbnrnyerr !huwawa !maluuunyeerrrrrrr sy klu menjadi anda..boooooo to u la abg !wakaka.
skag dy mcj ke antar post kat wall ke aku wat dang jew.ahha !cehh na bajek er !mcm aku ta neok sign2 pix dy !haha aduii ksian..aku mmg ta bley siaa owg tipu2 ne,nty aku rase na mganjeng jew..haha :DD
da,sy rase ckop stakat awne bg sesi anjeng mganjeng er..eh ade lg..na nganjeng ag..haha !ne mst kene TEPAT punyer..hehe.. eh firdaus saruni , u makin ade perasaan ah skag ! hahahahhahahhahahahhahahaha..ayat na manis jew,nasib i ta kene kencing manis taw cm nick jonas..ahaha !
31 March 2010
kids nowadays !
err awne mangon agak tgahari sbb td mlm bantai tyto kul 4am kot..hehe..then mangon pun sbb mama nowa call soh neok kan bbik tuh..err then tgh2 bfast (skali gn lunch) bbik ckp amer balik skola td nanges2..apsal heh ?so aku pun g la tanye amer..at 1st dy tanak cte,lps sy sbg ehem pkar psychology (haha pasan jew) mmjok dy,two sdy cte..dy ckp dak2 ne ejek2 dy ..aduii,bdak2 kcik skag mlot da pandai er laser2 !haruss kerr ?so,mcm ksian gn bdak gmok tuh,i refuse utk amek dy dpn uma jew sok..bese la,ade bbik baru ne cm ta bley harap..oouucchh !temengutok la pulok..ahha !jahat siaa.. :DD
oke,suda2..ermm suppose esok na kua..tbe2 mgon td myra text ckp sok mcm ta jadi dy keje..awne je dy cuti..so dy ajak kua awne..watta fish !aku dgn mamai ag,na ku aa awne ?baju pun tataw na pkai yg mane.twos mcm ilang mud aw na kua sok !grr..mara taw aku ne..tasuke plan tajadi last2 minute..da r na g speedzone tajadi gak..sbb achai kene kerja then lupe klu g speedzone tuh ary senin aku ade test kete ag..ayoo asyik lupe je aku ade test kete kan !hmm and sok knana lek kampung tadapat na ikot dy..alaaaaaa na balik kmpg,rinddddduuuuuuuu gile kat nenek vogue sy and rndu na buli nenek msak sdap and watkan air teh special dy..ouh wndu juga na panggil nenek bbik !haha..ape pun,pasar mlm kat kmpg pling besh !waa wnduuunyeeeerrrrrrrr :(
tibe2 rase mcm na kawen taw..haah da miang !hehe..tapi sape na kawen gn sy ??awak sudi ta ??hehe..tanak la kawen gn awak,sy ta knal pun awak sape..haha !eh rase mcm na nyanyi lagu rihanna la,rude boy !haha buley ta ?! hehe..err mleweyh sy da stat -__-
sunyi aa,tuh yg rase na kawen !haha miangnyerr awak ne lisa,blaja ta abes ag taw !jgn na pk sal kawen bley ?! da pandai masak nasi nty baru ley kawen taw ? taw ?ahhaaa..aduii tade idea knape mst na cte pasal kawen ne sbnrnyerr..haha !da la,abaikan !tepuuuu =.=
err awne mcm dok uma untuk tyto jew taw..hehe..sbb ??ujan doeee (!) tyto bapak besh..hehe..and and td tgh tyto,fyna call..alaaaa kacau aa ko tym2 aku gh mmbute..haha..nape tah,eh ko ckp pe ek tadi ??aku lupe..haha !tp td aku bace blog ko asl mcm sedeyh je ?err papehal text aku aw aw !hee..errr mcm na tuka lagu kat page blog ne laa..lagu ape er ?tah,new found jadah tah band uh,na lagu kiss kiss !ta pun u're still da 1..haha !lagu na bunga2 apesal tah aku ne,agak serabai dc2* lalala !
*knape klu muke baik,owg pun na anggap kite baik ??klu kite muke baik tp pngai kite ta sebaik yg diharapkan,owg na mngutok ?! remaja malaysia skag da ramai yg pandai2 tp masih ta bijak sgt taw na berpikir lg pasal hal2 mcm ne kan ? kan ? huuuuuu :ppp
oke,suda2..ermm suppose esok na kua..tbe2 mgon td myra text ckp sok mcm ta jadi dy keje..awne je dy cuti..so dy ajak kua awne..watta fish !aku dgn mamai ag,na ku aa awne ?baju pun tataw na pkai yg mane.twos mcm ilang mud aw na kua sok !grr..mara taw aku ne..tasuke plan tajadi last2 minute..da r na g speedzone tajadi gak..sbb achai kene kerja then lupe klu g speedzone tuh ary senin aku ade test kete ag..ayoo asyik lupe je aku ade test kete kan !hmm and sok knana lek kampung tadapat na ikot dy..alaaaaaa na balik kmpg,rinddddduuuuuuuu gile kat nenek vogue sy and rndu na buli nenek msak sdap and watkan air teh special dy..ouh wndu juga na panggil nenek bbik !haha..ape pun,pasar mlm kat kmpg pling besh !waa wnduuunyeeeerrrrrrrr :(
tibe2 rase mcm na kawen taw..haah da miang !hehe..tapi sape na kawen gn sy ??awak sudi ta ??hehe..tanak la kawen gn awak,sy ta knal pun awak sape..haha !eh rase mcm na nyanyi lagu rihanna la,rude boy !haha buley ta ?! hehe..err mleweyh sy da stat -__-
sunyi aa,tuh yg rase na kawen !haha miangnyerr awak ne lisa,blaja ta abes ag taw !jgn na pk sal kawen bley ?! da pandai masak nasi nty baru ley kawen taw ? taw ?ahhaaa..aduii tade idea knape mst na cte pasal kawen ne sbnrnyerr..haha !da la,abaikan !tepuuuu =.=
err awne mcm dok uma untuk tyto jew taw..hehe..sbb ??ujan doeee (!) tyto bapak besh..hehe..and and td tgh tyto,fyna call..alaaaa kacau aa ko tym2 aku gh mmbute..haha..nape tah,eh ko ckp pe ek tadi ??aku lupe..haha !tp td aku bace blog ko asl mcm sedeyh je ?err papehal text aku aw aw !hee..errr mcm na tuka lagu kat page blog ne laa..lagu ape er ?tah,new found jadah tah band uh,na lagu kiss kiss !ta pun u're still da 1..haha !lagu na bunga2 apesal tah aku ne,agak serabai dc2* lalala !
*knape klu muke baik,owg pun na anggap kite baik ??klu kite muke baik tp pngai kite ta sebaik yg diharapkan,owg na mngutok ?! remaja malaysia skag da ramai yg pandai2 tp masih ta bijak sgt taw na berpikir lg pasal hal2 mcm ne kan ? kan ? huuuuuu :ppp
30 March 2010
maaflah, saya ne mmg jenis gabra orangya.
err ary2 yg blalu kini semakin better and better..should say hooreeeyyyhh to me !hee..krane bjaye mhandle sumenyer dgn aty yg tenang lg sabar serta kuat..ahha !lebeh la kan :DD
bkn mcm bah,umpama..ayat tuh kene btolkan sket..ahha..kdg sampai aku terlupa na mndi,na mkn,bilik bsepah,gambar2 merata2 lam bilik,katil ta kmas dan aku ?haha mencekik je dlm bilik sambil baring..pehhh mmg mintak muncet kan kau lisa ?! ahha ;))
tp now da oke..da tade da putus2 asa mcm tuh lg da..da sehat..cume ilang fokus sahaja..ee ne na bbel jap buley ?!gram tawu..bbik baru ne blur na mampos !haha geram taw..klu aku ckp soh vacuum bilik,dy vacuum jew..meja solek sepah2 dy mcm ta nmpak aw..da aa msak nasi ta reti,lg na tanye aku ?!haa,tau abes kan aku,pakai bedal je,kesudahannya...nasi menjadi umpama bbur..haha..dan mama nowa sy sangat bangga mempunyai bbik baru yg sgt tegak lg tdak tahu ape2 dan ank yg juga tdak reti mmsak nasi..hahah !
err td and smlm g test drive..hmm bley la..tp td aku tataw la asl aku mcm ggup sgt..mgelabah ttek na mmpos..aku berangan je keje !haha..mase na parking aku da langgar tiang,pto tiang tuh jato.aku wat dang jew la,nty ade la sape2 yg angkat kan,lps tuh aku na kuakan kete,pehh !batu tiang tuh teselit bawah kete kan !aku da gabra,na kdepan ta bley,reverse pun ta bley..aku nye mlot mmg da stat sumpah seranah memaki sume la ade !haha..
lps sgala usaha ta bhasil, aku pun kua dr kete and neok ape yg tjadi,aku tarik batang phadang yg kat bwh kete tuh,skali tcbot en !haha..da aku tejerit kat c2,muke da mmg cuak abes..skli ckgu kat situ ckp bia je,n bawak twos kete tuh,pakse je..mampos aku langgor !aku nek kete twos stat enjin,jln je..agak mcm kuda gak la keadaan kete tuh aku keje kan !ahha..sume ne slh sape ??slh cikgu aku taw !babih,da sampai twos tglkan aku tkontang kanting !bawak kat tgh jln mmg aa aku da pandai,ne bab2 paking bagai pehh !mmg aku lemahh la bhaii cibaii..haha !gram taw..pas lps dr bnde alah tuh,aku park kat opis,and balik..b4 balik singgah petonas mesra,g tpup..ahha !
btol lah ckp syaz..aku benci sial bawak kete area PG ne..lori bnyak gile buley ??shit !haha..bsar2 lak uh..aku paling bnci tym ade lori kat sbelah aku !bnci !bnci !aku takot..haha !naseb bawak viva,dapat kancil,mmg bgoyang kete tuh !harus ke ??haruss lahhhh nyah..haha !grr..lapa ne sbnrnyerr..haha !ta masal lak aku bbual sal lapa..yeahh !td akk call,dy ckp dy beli sumthg from bandung for me..ape eh ??klu tshirt hard rock tapayah la !aku ta mngidam lgsg kejadah baju tuh !haha.. aku na telekung ah..haha buley ?!bdo sehh..haha..
ape pun,sani skag da maken nsem..haruss lahh dy cpt2 jadik laki akk aku..da kawen nty bley la aku mngumpul barang2 dr over da sea !dan barang2 itu dibeli oleh abg sani and knana yg pemurah aty..haha !
hey,they look sweet tgthr..jlos bley ??alolooooo..sani muncet akk poyo..sesuaii gitu..hahaha!eeyyuuww!
28 March 2010
i keep wondering about what lies will come out afta this ?
hmm bape hari eh ta update bloggielisa.blogspot ne ??tah,ta ingt..but i miss it..hee..bukan nape,na update salu mcm da mls je skag, lg2 lps ape yg da jadik kan..macam2..haishh pity me..hehe harus kah ?? :DD
hmm oke,bckp mngenai realiti mst kbnyakkan realiti yg sukar,kite pun sukar na terima bkn ??dan peluang..peluang kite hanya akan bg jika kite btol2 na bg pd seseorang tuh kan ?bukan suke2,tp dgn pnuh rase pcaye..dan diharapkan dgn sgala kslpn yg pnah diqat diperbaiki dan ta akan berulang lagi..
kepercayan pula..kite ta berikan sluruh kpercayan ini pd sembarangan owg,hnye kpd yg tertentu je dpt seluruh kepercayan ne..tp klu skali dy dikhianati,rase2 ape yg akan terjadi dgn rase pecayer tuh ??akan terus percaye mcm selalu atau semakin bkurangan ??sesungguhnyerr,aty ne akan mjadi smkin dan smkin hambar lg tawar tawu ta !ouh ta pham ?ta mngapa,entry ini ditulis bkn utk kalian,tp kpd mereka yg terase shje.
humm ape lg ?ape lg yg na diceritakan ?cerita kisah lpas yg salu diselindung and soon after dat ade owg lain yg cerita sndr kat batang hidung ne ?! ape perasaan yerr jikalau anda ditempat sy ?situasi ne menjadi smkin bsar apabila sgalanya ingin dirahsiekan..sy respek ape pun kptsn dan kisah silam !tp klu da dpn mate jgn la menipu..tau ta owg yg mnipu ne layak dicampak dlam tasek pan uma aku jew la bgs..tapayah semak2 kan lagi pale ne,mntak tlg sgt ! =.=
aduhh,mmg sejujurnya da maapkan,tp utk melupakan bukan snag !asl na kne mnipu2 ne ?!!paling menci tawu ta,bnci sgt2 tau ta sakit ?!pedih !sentap !sume ade taw..slame ne pnah ke sy mnipu ek ???!ahh da laa,bnde da jadi and da lps pun..bdk pmpn tuh pun mngundang gak !wat mlot lbey..haiishh..biala,rasenyerr in a while,na tuka no fon !na privatekan blog ne,na balik kl cpat..na blah twos aa..neok la lam mase ne same ade sy bley maapkan dy atau ta !mencube untuk mncari sgala kkuatan yg ada tau ta na mcj gn awk !sakit la,ta bley na tanggung !rase mcm tetipu sgt2...kakak angkat knon ! :pp
jangan ssekali suruh sy mara awak sbb sy bkn jnis yg mc tuh,na marah2 meroyan2 mcm owg gila..ckop klu hrmat dgn kptsn sy yg sy tdak akan ckp lg pasal hal ne !dan sumpah,sumpah sy ta akan pnah lupekan hal ne !hal e adlh hal plg bsar,kslpn yg plg bsar yg pnah awak wat slame kite bsme..pmpn tuh pun same !tapi tape,ah pape jew la !tataw ne na bbel ape..perasaan da teluke na mati,ta mampu na bbicare dgn care yg normal lg..
mmg,mmg slame 11 bln ne dy ta pnah curang..alhamdulilah !tp dgn mnipu pmpn tuh sbg akk angkat harus ka ?btaun beb aku pcaye !dan trime kasih la ckp dy akk angkat !dan ta sgke,pmpn tuh baru fom4 !haha sgt klaka laaa..aduii ! sy pun ade adek angkat aw,umo ??28 !hahaha..bdo skali awak ne taw :pp
akhir kata,smoga hari2 yg mendatang sy akan lebih kuat dan tabah..hbgn ini masih tdak berakhir..oke,cume menganggap ini sume dugaan agar hbgn ini lebih erat !tp...aduhh,yelaa...mmg mudah utk memaafkan,tp utk melupakan ?!only GOD noes my feeling rite now :'(
*pkare yg paling sukar utk sy terime dlm idup ne adlh PENIPU !
26 March 2010
mine mine mine idol !huuu..
ouh she is mine,lauren conrad !yg ujung skali tuh♥♥
sexy hair !wavvy hair,oweys her !damn jlos taw !haha
style tuh *handbag na market je dye ne..grr
see her handbag !phewww !i wish i can have 1..huhu
neok handbag dy !hee
handbag dy lagi !
always her ! ^_^
yg paling penting dy ade clothing label sndr,bside dy design handbag and baju mcm2 la.cincin pun ade..dats y dy style je slalu..haha..ouhh !besh eh jadi dye..jlos ! jlos..ahha
my inspiration utk sukses mcm lauren ne haa..tgu aku bukak butik yerr..hee..ouh !minat bhaii,dr dy blakon the laguna beach ag aku da mnat dy,the hills pun dy blakon..tp aku rase dy blakon lam the hills la mantap..style jew..ouuhhhhhh i looiiikkeeeee..heee
so aku meletakkan pix dy kat sini sbg 1 inspirasi utk aku mcontohi dy..ehee brangan lebey ek ?tape,mane tawu dgn smgt dan keyakinan yg ade cite2 ley jadi knyataan..bahaha..tgu abes blaja,sume ini pasti akan cube diusaha samakan dgn mama nowa skali !cpat2 la abes blaja..mama nowa pun,sabar taw !sabar shge sy abes blaja..ngee ~
err dan ta sabar la na balik KL !!hiphiphoooreyh,bbik baru da sampai smlm..yeayy !aman damai la aku pasne,tayah vacuum uma da..haha !yeaayy !eh eh,akk ckp bln4 na balik kg..so,na ikot la..hiphiphooreyhh !but,ta bley la na tglkn jb lama2..PR lame da dilantik kmbali..hee...ily sygg poyo :)
da la tuh saja,bubye..and and,kpale pening smlm tyto kul bape tah then mgon pg td mcm senoneng jap aw..tataw aa nape..ehh alaa,senin na mgon pg la,ade test..haha..ouh lupe td pg etit call aw..gosip sal mierul..babih,ko kencing er ??ko keje mane ??cool blog en ??aku tawu aku trun bnda t,ko blanje aku er !klu ta,siap ko !hahaha..eh lupe !alaa..lupe sgt2! etit ajak hang out ri senin ne,aku dgn bengap nyerr besetuju na kua gn dy,lupe lak ary senin kan aku ade kls kereta !uhuuuu..lupe..
k la,k la..na g text etit..huu !na inpom dy,kuar ri rabu jew la..alaaa tapi dalam wallet wet tgl RM60 jew..menci aa..na kua t ade je bnde na bli,alaaa :(
awak awak,na duit bley ??heee :)
25 March 2010

lepas wat keje jht..hee..eh ! neok muke mas..bajek na comey jew ko !haha
dlm fitting room colours..haha
yeah !aku gemok !haha..ouh the necklace and the bag :(
oke,ini pix mase smlm yg kitwg hang out..3 pix ne jew yg sempat achai upload..huhuh !tape,aku tawu ko da upload sume,mst ko hide kan dlu kan ??hee..na mcj achai,tp hp off..mls na on !bia,biakan laa,biakan aku idup sendirian,kerana aty ini tlah dilukai..haha !meleweyh !sket2 na nyanyi,mcm sakai !haha..brrrrrrrrrr coca cola !haha..err blur + pusing dong nih -..-
eh eh td pg kan dy mcj taw..cehh !ag wat aku nyirap kot !na ckp bodo la,tp tanak ah !na simpan jew buley ??ahha..semak doe pale aku,kau aa punye pasal..ta knal maka ta cinte eh ??haha da knal,amek ko..mcm cilaka doe ko !ops,termencarut lak nyah..haha..ish2,awne aku da oke taw..tuh yg aku opp hp..bia padan muke ko !wawa..jahat kan gn aku??aku jahat lek gn ko tripple la bhaii cibhaii.. :DD
ehhh busan shit !na kua..tp gn sape eh ??apesal bile na kua tade pun yg na ajak aku kua,bila aku tanak kua,ade je yg na dtg amek aa na ajak kua aa..mcm busuk en ??grrr !err sbnrnye tataw aw na cte ape..cume na ckp aku sakit aty..haha..eh bia sakit aty jgn sakit jantung !huuu..eh eh !da bace da taw majalah skolah aku tuh..pehh !sungguh terharu bace ape tuhh err essay monitor kls aku,bad !pehh mkn dlm beb :(
okok,da laa..rase mcm na tyto laa.smlm tyto lambat huu..eh,smlm mlm text gn shaz !pehh sedeyh babih laa..syaz aku takot siaa !ko balik cpat ah..tp tp aku pun cian kat ko aw..dowg sampai ty wat ko cmtuh..grr !and die pun sampai aty kan syaz wat aku cmne ? :'('''''''
*yeah speedzone baby !2hb g KL !hiphiphoeereyyhhh !heeee
*yeah speedzone baby !2hb g KL !hiphiphoeereyyhhh !heeee
24 March 2010
putus asa and give up buley ??
wallpaper comp aku bley ??hee..hey kimmy,i adore u <3333
pas mek mjlh skola,aku gn achai jmpe junior kitwg,fara..na mek gamba,tp sgan..ramai pule kat pan skola td..haha !then g cs..jmpe naz jap..haha !emok doe dy !bahaha.date gn dak skola jap en aku td..pto g jln2,g colours,jmpe mas tetek !lepak jap gn dy,mek2 gmbar lam fitting room,mcm bangang sket aa..mcm kdai tuh ade share gn bpk aku en kitwg kecoh2 td..hehe !maap yerr..
lps dr tuh,mas ajak 'panas2' kat luar mc'd..haha jahat doe mnah tuh !klu layan dy mst ade je bnde sewel na wat..dy soh aku gn achai blah dlu..baru jew na masuk watson mas tetek tuh da ade..babih en,dy mngular..haha !then lepak la luar..call si anak ayob,mierul bunga..na lepak gn dy,jap g call dy gh JPJ (bdo taw ko,aku bawak hot chicks,ko lak tade,pdn muke ko!haha) so tade jdoh..lepak jew la kat pan tuh,3-3 da 'panas2' antar mas g masuk keje then kitwg beli cool blog twos balik..
haha !td kua mcm tade pasaan taw.. aku pun bkn ade mood sgt sbnrnyer..cian achai,mcm na cte sumthg tp ta abes kan chai ?tape la,next tym ko lepak je uma aku cte sume ek ?huu
eh shit !eh termencarut lak..haha !weyh busan ne ...aduiiii..aku ta pham aa gn dye ne,sumpah ta pham !apebnde lg tah dy ne,meleweyh mcm shit taw !eh termencarut ag..haha..mcm bdk2 bley ta kau ne ?ha ?mcm ape doe pngai ko,jgn aa wat aku ne mcm ta wujud,jgn layan aku ne mcm....mcm...mcm skag ko wat aku ne la !sumpah aku bnci !!haha..tp tape,aku ley saba ag gn ko..tape la,jnji ko epi !tah2 ko mmg suke kite cmne..aku ta pham la bhaii chibai gn ko ne..haha !aku na memaki je la ne keje..mentang2 aku ne mls na mara2 ko ssuke je na bejenaka antarabangsa gn aku kan ???ok,tape.aku ta kesah..
ko pndai bjenaka aku lg pandai...huuu !tape2,untuk awne esok dan luse dan bila2 la aku try sabar yerr..agak2 aku da nyampah sgt ko neok laa nty pe aku na wat gn ko..gahh !ko sik na wat pale aku tumbuh uban la,seb pale aku tade uban..haha bnde aku bbel ne ?uban sgala lak kuar !haha..aishh !benci laa,bnci aa keadaan cmne..asl tah..tbe2 mcm2 mslh ne nape ek ??tape2,saba lisa,ini sume dugaan wat ko,smoga ko tabah mhadapi sgalanye dgn tenang !uhuuu..aku kan suke blahak normall..ktawe jew snag :DD
sedeyh ag bile kpza na g kl,keje saner..shitt ! :(
*cube wat2 tade pape blaku buley ta ??ouh plis GOD !butakan sgala rase sakit ini buley ?sbb terlalu and sangat4 sakit... :'(
Al- fatihah..
well smlm ade cerita kan about 1 of my fwens mom gh nazak,then ta lame lps tuh dy mcj ckp ibu dy da meninggal..peh,sedeyh sehh..sumpah sedeyh !tasuke sgt taw situation ne..mmg tasuke !trauma tawu !TRAUMA ! T.R.A.U.M.A = TRAUMA !i feel sory fer da lost and i feel sori fer her too..tp na wat cmner,tiap yg idup mst akan pegi...lumrah kan,tp tuh la..cume kite sndr yg na kene pandai situation ne..myra ajak g uma ayu,bg support kat dy..hmm aku bukan tanak pegi,tp aku ta bley r..ish !ssh na ckp !
aku mmg tanak pegi tempat owg dikebumikan !mmg tanak neok jenazah !tank ! tanak ! tanak !tlg la pham knape..bukan aku saje2,tp kene phm gak pasaan aku !
sory to ayu tadapat pegi uma dy..tp aku tanak sedeyh2 la..tanak ingt bnde lame..hmm !ape pun aku da maafkan dy,tp mcm ssh siaa na lupekan ape yg dy pnah wat kat aku..but sincerely,i'd forgive her and mmg ksian neok dy even aku ta nmpak,tp aku pham laa dy tuh cmne..just hope she will be strong enough to face all dis..
then smlm mama nowa ckp YANIE MENTOR meninggal sbb lungs complication..ksian taw,dy baru gak la kawen and dy ade sowg anak,abt 2 years kot..ksian ank dy mmbsr tanpe dy !sedeyh sgt dgr cte psl owg mngl ne taw..nape tah !aku mmg tasuke........! then mmbe kpd mmbe aku punye mak pun mngl gak smlm.sakit tue if im not mistake..haiyoooohh !innalillahiwainnalillahirajiun..ape pun,diharapkan mereka yg pegi ini ditempatkan dgn owg2 yg soleh, aminn..
da,skag kite stop cte sal sedeyh2 sgale bgai ne..hmm na cte..tp bley ktawe dulu ta ??haha..smlm kan cikgu yg salu anti dak2 pmpn kls aku, (lg2 aku gn fyna) add aku weyh !!bahaha..mcm na ignore,tp mcm ta besh lak en !da cikgu skola..ikotkan aty na ignore je,da r zaman2 skola dlu salu naa na maki2 aku..grr !sialan !haha..jahat sial aku ckp dy sial.eh sial btol !haha..bdo seyh aku,byk naa sial en !haha.
okok,aku na serius ne..ermm bile aku da app dy,baek lak dy tanye kabar aku ape sume..cewaahh !rindu la tuh kat aku..haha pasan jew !
ta bley blah en,awne lak aku gh chat gn dy..dy da pindah skola seyh,dy skag kat teknik kat perak..katner tah !ta mek port..haha !then dyy tanye sume sal mmbe2 aku..haha ingt ag er dy !aku cte la still cntct and kwn ag gn sume..bese laa,jahat same2 dlu kat skola en,da abes skola pun jhat ttap same2 ag..haha cam yal !bapak ah,ingt ag siaa dlu dy pnah halau aku balik..da r aku baru sampai skola,jap g sbb kan aku t apkai uniform ko-ku dy halau sume dak2 balik en..aku da laa gh blur2,dy bley jerit2 kat muke aku,acam cilake sket ah..ops !termencarot..haha..pto aku pun dgn blur pun,balik jew ah..haha !klaka siaa mase tuh,ramai kot kene halau !
pto dy anti gn dak2 pmpn kls aku,lg2 gn myra,aku and fyna..sbb suke2 pkai baju bngkel lengan pendek,pto pkai tdung ta pkai anak tudung,nmpak rmbt,siap bg ceramah agama aw..pastuh dak2 pmpn kls kitwg jnis ta suke pkai uniform skola.klu bley ary2 pkai baju bgkel and baju sukan,ary jumaat je baru kai uniform..lpas da kene warning baru aa nmpak kdag2 kitwg kai unipom skola,law ta haram !haha tuh pun jap je kitwg yeye kai unipom..
ish dlu kitwg mmg anti aa gn ckgu uh, klu ary senin kat pehimpunan tuh mst muke dy na kerek..dy gn cikgu auto ag sowg tuh..pe tah name..aku gn fyna salu aa kutok..harap je da pegi haji tp maki2 owg !haha jahat sial mulot kitwg mase skola dlu..mcm2 aa..alaaa wndu zmn skola..sumpah wndu !
wndu na kacau2 teacher Lee,wndu na neok macha gn uda wat lawak..wndu na kutuk2 dak2 asrama,wndu na wat muke kerek gn dak2 teknik,wndu gn posing gn mmbe2 aku kat cermin sbelah kelas auto..pehh !sedeyh siaa,aku da hilang waktu paling bharga lam hidupp..peehh !but sokay,the memories will always with me,ta akan pnah dilupekan :)
aku mmg tanak pegi tempat owg dikebumikan !mmg tanak neok jenazah !tank ! tanak ! tanak !tlg la pham knape..bukan aku saje2,tp kene phm gak pasaan aku !
sory to ayu tadapat pegi uma dy..tp aku tanak sedeyh2 la..tanak ingt bnde lame..hmm !ape pun aku da maafkan dy,tp mcm ssh siaa na lupekan ape yg dy pnah wat kat aku..but sincerely,i'd forgive her and mmg ksian neok dy even aku ta nmpak,tp aku pham laa dy tuh cmne..just hope she will be strong enough to face all dis..
then smlm mama nowa ckp YANIE MENTOR meninggal sbb lungs complication..ksian taw,dy baru gak la kawen and dy ade sowg anak,abt 2 years kot..ksian ank dy mmbsr tanpe dy !sedeyh sgt dgr cte psl owg mngl ne taw..nape tah !aku mmg tasuke........! then mmbe kpd mmbe aku punye mak pun mngl gak smlm.sakit tue if im not mistake..haiyoooohh !innalillahiwainnalillahirajiun..ape pun,diharapkan mereka yg pegi ini ditempatkan dgn owg2 yg soleh, aminn..
da,skag kite stop cte sal sedeyh2 sgale bgai ne..hmm na cte..tp bley ktawe dulu ta ??haha..smlm kan cikgu yg salu anti dak2 pmpn kls aku, (lg2 aku gn fyna) add aku weyh !!bahaha..mcm na ignore,tp mcm ta besh lak en !da cikgu skola..ikotkan aty na ignore je,da r zaman2 skola dlu salu naa na maki2 aku..grr !sialan !haha..jahat sial aku ckp dy sial.eh sial btol !haha..bdo seyh aku,byk naa sial en !haha.
okok,aku na serius ne..ermm bile aku da app dy,baek lak dy tanye kabar aku ape sume..cewaahh !rindu la tuh kat aku..haha pasan jew !
ta bley blah en,awne lak aku gh chat gn dy..dy da pindah skola seyh,dy skag kat teknik kat perak..katner tah !ta mek port..haha !then dyy tanye sume sal mmbe2 aku..haha ingt ag er dy !aku cte la still cntct and kwn ag gn sume..bese laa,jahat same2 dlu kat skola en,da abes skola pun jhat ttap same2 ag..haha cam yal !bapak ah,ingt ag siaa dlu dy pnah halau aku balik..da r aku baru sampai skola,jap g sbb kan aku t apkai uniform ko-ku dy halau sume dak2 balik en..aku da laa gh blur2,dy bley jerit2 kat muke aku,acam cilake sket ah..ops !termencarot..haha..pto aku pun dgn blur pun,balik jew ah..haha !klaka siaa mase tuh,ramai kot kene halau !
pto dy anti gn dak2 pmpn kls aku,lg2 gn myra,aku and fyna..sbb suke2 pkai baju bngkel lengan pendek,pto pkai tdung ta pkai anak tudung,nmpak rmbt,siap bg ceramah agama aw..pastuh dak2 pmpn kls kitwg jnis ta suke pkai uniform skola.klu bley ary2 pkai baju bgkel and baju sukan,ary jumaat je baru kai uniform..lpas da kene warning baru aa nmpak kdag2 kitwg kai unipom skola,law ta haram !haha tuh pun jap je kitwg yeye kai unipom..
ish dlu kitwg mmg anti aa gn ckgu uh, klu ary senin kat pehimpunan tuh mst muke dy na kerek..dy gn cikgu auto ag sowg tuh..pe tah name..aku gn fyna salu aa kutok..harap je da pegi haji tp maki2 owg !haha jahat sial mulot kitwg mase skola dlu..mcm2 aa..alaaa wndu zmn skola..sumpah wndu !
wndu na kacau2 teacher Lee,wndu na neok macha gn uda wat lawak..wndu na kutuk2 dak2 asrama,wndu na wat muke kerek gn dak2 teknik,wndu gn posing gn mmbe2 aku kat cermin sbelah kelas auto..pehh !sedeyh siaa,aku da hilang waktu paling bharga lam hidupp..peehh !but sokay,the memories will always with me,ta akan pnah dilupekan :)
kasut yg paling mahal..wawa !
imy all seriusly :(
hee penyibuk !
cabot kelas,tanak masuk bengkel kayu,lepak lam surau pto placing la,men mcj la.
sajak er muke kowg !haha aku pun la ! :DD
i miss this tym..eh baya pun ade..haha
23 March 2010
maaf,anda didelete dr fren lists sy !huhu
hey hye mowning.awne sy mgon pg sbb adek ksygn,si muncet amer harith kejot sy soh tman dy bfast.ahha gedik jew.so,i had a bowl of koko crunch jew..bley kan ujan lebat,mmg na tyto je rase.hee,tp sy tahan..mlm td tyto awal,sbb bowink sgt kot..then kul bape tah firdaus saruni call.haha,aku da mamai..da mls na bbual2 da,tah ape aku merepek sehh mlm td !haha :D
oke lupekan sume.baru td i'd got a text from AYU SAMSUDDIN saying dat her mother is nazak,hampir mhembuskan nafasnya yg terakhir..err i feel so sory fer dat.bcs dlu i gn ayu tuh use to b a close fren b4..i am just hoping dat mak dy tade pape la dan pergi dgn snang tamaw ssh,sbb ayu ckp mak dy da ssak nafas..esh,ksian seyh,sebak lak.aku yg lebey..even aku ta pnah rase and alami tuh sume but aku pnah siaa rasse khlgn mama..sumpah sedeyh and kuciwa :(
humm okok,ttop cte sal tuh..skag na cte sal fb n ms..last few days aku mmg mendelete owg jew keje.hee !ramai sgt la unknown people.so i just accept mane yg knal or tawu jew.yg mcm mengarot and tah ape,surely akan didelete.so klu tbe2 anda tdak brde dlm frenlist sy,sori yerr !bukan i na bajek hot ke ape,tp owg2 yg suppose blah,mmg ptot didelete,owg2 yg tdak sy minati juga trus didelete !eeyyuuww !tasuke taw..haha..sape tah yg kpoh sgt dok add aku and akk2 aku sgle bgai,da jadik stalker lew pulok !gahh !tade keje lain ke ape ??ksian ek ??huhu.. :pp
ermm awne rase nyerr mcm ta brape na ade mood,sbb tataw la knape.haha !tp happy jew,pesal tah tade mud lak ttbe2..smlm da puas da merayap gn afiq akmal sampai sakit2 bdn ne men ujan smlm..elak aku demam jew kan nty..haha !err and smlm kan pegi skola amek file MPAV tuh kan,na msuk bgkel kayu,ade lak cikgu ayob..perrghhh !wa da bngag beb..haha !ade lak junior2 lam bngkel tuh,lagi aa aku bngag,bkn sbb free hair,tp da sister2 kan,sgan aa gn adek2 !bahaha poyo siaa.tp sgan na mampos taw..da amek file aku trus blah gn afiq akmal :)
A : awak dtg gn sape ne ?
peeehhh !geli la sial,serabai na mampos !aku ta bley sial !!hahaha..bley lak na taching2 gn aku !pwehh !
oke lupekan sume.baru td i'd got a text from AYU SAMSUDDIN saying dat her mother is nazak,hampir mhembuskan nafasnya yg terakhir..err i feel so sory fer dat.bcs dlu i gn ayu tuh use to b a close fren b4..i am just hoping dat mak dy tade pape la dan pergi dgn snang tamaw ssh,sbb ayu ckp mak dy da ssak nafas..esh,ksian seyh,sebak lak.aku yg lebey..even aku ta pnah rase and alami tuh sume but aku pnah siaa rasse khlgn mama..sumpah sedeyh and kuciwa :(
humm okok,ttop cte sal tuh..skag na cte sal fb n ms..last few days aku mmg mendelete owg jew keje.hee !ramai sgt la unknown people.so i just accept mane yg knal or tawu jew.yg mcm mengarot and tah ape,surely akan didelete.so klu tbe2 anda tdak brde dlm frenlist sy,sori yerr !bukan i na bajek hot ke ape,tp owg2 yg suppose blah,mmg ptot didelete,owg2 yg tdak sy minati juga trus didelete !eeyyuuww !tasuke taw..haha..sape tah yg kpoh sgt dok add aku and akk2 aku sgle bgai,da jadik stalker lew pulok !gahh !tade keje lain ke ape ??ksian ek ??huhu.. :pp
ermm awne rase nyerr mcm ta brape na ade mood,sbb tataw la knape.haha !tp happy jew,pesal tah tade mud lak ttbe2..smlm da puas da merayap gn afiq akmal sampai sakit2 bdn ne men ujan smlm..elak aku demam jew kan nty..haha !err and smlm kan pegi skola amek file MPAV tuh kan,na msuk bgkel kayu,ade lak cikgu ayob..perrghhh !wa da bngag beb..haha !ade lak junior2 lam bngkel tuh,lagi aa aku bngag,bkn sbb free hair,tp da sister2 kan,sgan aa gn adek2 !bahaha poyo siaa.tp sgan na mampos taw..da amek file aku trus blah gn afiq akmal :)
A : awak dtg gn sape ne ?
L : err gn ayah sy,nape ek ?
A : ingt na antar awak,dr awto kan sy ckp na antar awk.
L :tape la,sy na cpt ne,next tym oke ?
A : ermm yelaa tuh,dr dulu awk ckp cmtuh !
peeehhh !geli la sial,serabai na mampos !aku ta bley sial !!hahaha..bley lak na taching2 gn aku !pwehh !
eh sesat lak pix aku !haha
22 March 2010
hari melayan amer sedunia..ahha !
semalam lps balik dr giant,syaz call..agak lame juge lew bgayut gn dy and pastuh da sampai uma,dok pan uma jap,skali amer bawak laa belon rm1.20 tuh kuar sambil tiup2 kat pan muke aku,agak b'angen gak,last2 aku pun join..hehe..then aku soh dy g amek camera and bmula la aksi2 posing memosing kami.smemangnyerr adek aku yg poyo sowg ne pun kaki pose,geli g2 nyahh !haha
and keadaan smlm btol2 wat aku ilang stress !cewwahh !haha..okok,td fisha bawu jew dyg uma,dy ajak g carik keje..na keje,tp aku mls duhh !hehe..neok la cmner nty..then afta wat blog ne na kuar !yeayyy !having a date with my mickey !hehehe..so im out,yippppeeeyyy !haha bubye..muahmuah !
berangan jap lam bilik !haha
20 March 2010
happy 11 month anni sygg ♥
pic ne mase our 2nd month anni :)
hey hye hello..hee..err ahha !suke sgt ne pehal la lisa kan ??eh ayat mcm terbalikkan ?ahha..okok,awne ary sabtu..yeah !seronok !tp sy ta kluar even mama nowa and abah sume kuar g keje kawenand later that dowg na pegi zoo..zoo ?ouh plis,jgn la bgtu..haha..tuh yg mls na ikot..ahha !
err na ckp ne,awne our 11mnth anvsr !hiphiphoooreeeyyhhh !
lame da erk ?eh ta,kjap lg tuh..hehe..syukur la,btahan kan kitwg even salu gado2,btombok.betampar and blablabla..haha !err awne kitwg ta kuar..mls la,ary sabtu mst ramai yg bsepah2 kat bnda tuh..so i'd decide to meet him this monday jew afta g skola aku mek file MPAV.hee ;)
err anni kali ne tataw la na bg dye pew.alaa,beku otak.haha !tp ade bnde lain aku na bg dye.and hope he like it.hehe..err mcm busan lak dok uma sowg2 kan ??tapi tape,mmg awne happy,so klu ta kuar pun tape.hee..and rase mcm ta sabar buley na tgu ri senin ne ?ahhahaha
gelabah macik lisa da sampai mmg bgtu..err and and lately rase mcm tanak lak sambung blaja sbb tamaw jao dr mamat ne,tp tayah la gedik sgt kan ? kan ?ahha..baek la g sambung blaja dr dok dkat2 gn ktiak abh yg masam tuh..haha.td gdo dak gn dy..hell baby,na letak aku blaja kat kuala kubu baru saner.bapak ah !aku tanak jao2 la bhaii cibhaii..haha !aku na blaja kat kl tuh ke jb ne ke oke lg.ne jao gila kot.mati ah aku !mati jao dr famli,dr hiburan ad paling pntg jao dr my baby :(
oke tapi tape la..kali ne sy da cube nekad.ape pun tejadi jadi la.aku hanya mmpu beserah (ayat pasrah ne) haha.mls da taw na pkpk gado ape sume.setakat ne happy akan dtg mane la tawu lg happy kan.kadang2 biala jao dr dye kan ? kan ?nty mane la tawu rase syg tuh ag b+..cehh yeyek !tapi sumpah takoot..sbb na smbg blaja nty bkn mcm na masuk skolah mnengah baru..ramai baii pmpn2 n laki2..cmner law dy miang2 nty ?cmner lak klu aku pun miang2 nty ??ahahaha..sengal2..tadew la,i trust him so well. ;)
err oke,,kadang2 kat blog ne aku suke ctew bnde merapu..haha..biala,suke :pp
err ptotnyee post ne aku cte sal afiq akmal je kn ?tp tanak,aku na cmpur2,bowink aa sik cte sal dy jew..haha !andd tasabar la na carik keje..hahaha !err bad news !kpza dapat keje kat KL..alaaaaaaaaaa :(
knana skag kat taipei..shaboooyahh !ahaaa.akk jgn lupe,wani na leather jacket kat taipei tuh !ahhaa..shopping2 ingt adek ksygn kau nih !and laki dye si sani tuh g colombo..eyyuuww !haha :DD
besh er,aku na jadi stewardess gak la.tp tamaw keje, na jln2 shopping je..buley ??bahha
ook jao sgt da ne mnyimpang.td cte sal anni ne da mleweh sampai mane lak..haha..i ask abah beli tpup rm10 !klu abh balik jap g tade tpup siap er..aku da busan an mam da ne kedit da tade.na mcj gn afiq akmal lg.smlm da r dy ta call,aku pun ta call dy gak aw..hahaha :DD
sa la,da laa...bubye..muahmuah..happi 11 month anniversarry sygg :)
surrveyyy bahh !
Are you afraid of losing the person you like right now?
- damn yess !
Have you ever cried from being so mad?
-errmmm yes !
Does anyone hate your ex?
Is anything bothering you?
-a lots buley ?
Is there someone that makes you happy every time you see them?
-yup,hehehhe :)
Are you missing anyone?
-yup..many !
Are you satisfied with how things are going?
-bukan ta bsyukur but mmg lately i feel disastified jew dgn sume hal.. :(
What was your last thought before you went to bed last night?
-'yeayy !da 11 bln ek bcinte bgdo and bsayang gn muhd afiq akmal ne..' hehe
What's your ex doing?
- studying at kolej komuniti PG..haha
Have you ever tried your hardest, then got disappointed later on?
-errmm often.
Are you happier now? Or four months ago?
-can i say both ?hee..
Have you ever given up on someone, but then went back to them?
-errrrr naa.
Do you still talk to the person you fell hardest for?
How do you feel about that?
-dun really care actly.haha
Have you made any new regrets this year?
-yes i do !
Would you be shocked if your last ex said they hated you?
-no,bcse he really does. haha
Have you ever been arrested?
-haha i baek la,blom pnah kne ag.
Does anyone know your myspace password?
-hell no !its a privacy lol.
Do you know a secret about one of your friends that would embarrass them?
-haha alots !but dun worry,it will b safe wif me :)
Do you do your own laundry?
-sometimes :)
Last thing you bought for someone else?
-a quiksilver cap for my bf :)
Does it bother you when someone lies to you?
-depends on what ways they lied.
Does it take a lot to make you cry?
Think of the person you told "I love you" last, did you mean it?
-fer sure i meant it with all of my heart.huhu.
Do you like to read?
-yup,but sumtimes tade mase.
What's the last movie you saw at home?
-pisau cukur <33
How do you feel about chocolate covered strawberries?
-yummmyyyyy ;)
Who are all of the texts in your inbox from?
-afiq akmal baby♥♥♥
Are any of your friends taller than you?
-yeah,many of them are taller then me,shitt !haha
Who was the last person you had a conversation with on the phone?
-firdaus saruni.ahha !he call me while i am still sleeping..bahaha ! ZzzZZz -__-
Do you blow dry your hair?
-nop.i kinda lebey suke my hair dried with natural way :)
Do you usually tell people when they hurt your feelings?
-nop.lu pk la sndr.haha
Do you like to cuddle?
-haha yeah ! :)
Does the thought of marriage scare you?
-not at all :)
Did you wake up in the middle of the night last night?
-yup,aircond kuat sgt and rase na tekencing.i call and wake my afiq akmal asked him to teman i g toilet !hahaha (penakot)
Do you think you're wasting your time on the person you like?
-haha afiq akmal salu tnye soklan ne..err actly i never feel dat..i trust him so much !
When was your default picture taken?
-cant recall.da lame sgt kot.last month maybe.
Where was it taken?
-cant recall
What is more important happiness or trust?
-both laa importanto ;)
Do you even KNOW how to do the laundry?
-of crse la.. :)
When's the last time you had a headache?
-just now,bside i ade migrain.huuhuu
Do you always care what you look like?
-hell yeah.
Are you in a fight with anyone right now?
-i dun think so.
Latest you stayed up in the past two weeks?
What were you doing?
-waiting for him to came back home !
Does your phone ring in the middle of the night often?
-yeah.sape2 jew la kan yg suke sgt call aku tgh2 mlm bute tuh.hehe
Have any memories that you'd like to forget?
-yeah,too many :(
Are you afraid of falling in love?
-yup !
How's your heart lately?
- sangat2 la bebunga cinta.ahha
Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?
-haha yeah !
Do you like tattoos and piercings?
-i like piercing.bnyak kali pierced kat ats tlge and 2x kat tepi tlge.sumpah its pain !ahha
Do you want to have kids?
- i badly want it :)
If so, what would you name them?
-woo ta tepk lg la.haha
Do you like to wear sweatpants?
Are you playing hard to get right now?
Do you miss your past?
-uckin yeah :(
When did you last hold hands with someone?
- last sunday.afiq akmal la the 1 yg hold my hand :pp
When was the last time you cleaned your room?
-last moning :)
What are you excited about?
- meet my afiq akmal dis monday :)
If you could change your eye color what would it be?
-i am appreciate abt my eyes colour.
How is your hair?
-natural straight
Have you ever lived with your girlfriend / boyfriend?
Would you ever take someone back after they' ve cheated?
-yeah probably !
Are you taller than your mom?
-gn mama nowa yes !i am taller than her,but wif my late mom,she is taller than me.
Do you wear makeup?
Have you ever been called a bad influence?
-many said dat to me :/
Do you like to wear jeans or a skirt?
- jeans will looks better
- damn yess !
Have you ever cried from being so mad?
-errmmm yes !
Does anyone hate your ex?
Is anything bothering you?
-a lots buley ?
Is there someone that makes you happy every time you see them?
-yup,hehehhe :)
Are you missing anyone?
-yup..many !
Are you satisfied with how things are going?
-bukan ta bsyukur but mmg lately i feel disastified jew dgn sume hal.. :(
What was your last thought before you went to bed last night?
-'yeayy !da 11 bln ek bcinte bgdo and bsayang gn muhd afiq akmal ne..' hehe
What's your ex doing?
- studying at kolej komuniti PG..haha
Have you ever tried your hardest, then got disappointed later on?
-errmm often.
Are you happier now? Or four months ago?
-can i say both ?hee..
Have you ever given up on someone, but then went back to them?
-errrrr naa.
Do you still talk to the person you fell hardest for?
How do you feel about that?
-dun really care actly.haha
Have you made any new regrets this year?
-yes i do !
Would you be shocked if your last ex said they hated you?
-no,bcse he really does. haha
Have you ever been arrested?
-haha i baek la,blom pnah kne ag.
Does anyone know your myspace password?
-hell no !its a privacy lol.
Do you know a secret about one of your friends that would embarrass them?
-haha alots !but dun worry,it will b safe wif me :)
Do you do your own laundry?
-sometimes :)
Last thing you bought for someone else?
-a quiksilver cap for my bf :)
Does it bother you when someone lies to you?
-depends on what ways they lied.
Does it take a lot to make you cry?
Think of the person you told "I love you" last, did you mean it?
-fer sure i meant it with all of my heart.huhu.
Do you like to read?
-yup,but sumtimes tade mase.
What's the last movie you saw at home?
-pisau cukur <33
How do you feel about chocolate covered strawberries?
-yummmyyyyy ;)
Who are all of the texts in your inbox from?
-afiq akmal baby♥♥♥
Are any of your friends taller than you?
-yeah,many of them are taller then me,shitt !haha
Who was the last person you had a conversation with on the phone?
-firdaus saruni.ahha !he call me while i am still sleeping..bahaha ! ZzzZZz -__-
Do you blow dry your hair?
-nop.i kinda lebey suke my hair dried with natural way :)
Do you usually tell people when they hurt your feelings?
-nop.lu pk la sndr.haha
Do you like to cuddle?
-haha yeah ! :)
Does the thought of marriage scare you?
-not at all :)
Did you wake up in the middle of the night last night?
-yup,aircond kuat sgt and rase na tekencing.i call and wake my afiq akmal asked him to teman i g toilet !hahaha (penakot)
Do you think you're wasting your time on the person you like?
-haha afiq akmal salu tnye soklan ne..err actly i never feel dat..i trust him so much !
When was your default picture taken?
-cant recall.da lame sgt kot.last month maybe.
Where was it taken?
-cant recall
What is more important happiness or trust?
-both laa importanto ;)
Do you even KNOW how to do the laundry?
-of crse la.. :)
When's the last time you had a headache?
-just now,bside i ade migrain.huuhuu
Do you always care what you look like?
-hell yeah.
Are you in a fight with anyone right now?
-i dun think so.
Latest you stayed up in the past two weeks?
What were you doing?
-waiting for him to came back home !
Does your phone ring in the middle of the night often?
-yeah.sape2 jew la kan yg suke sgt call aku tgh2 mlm bute tuh.hehe
Have any memories that you'd like to forget?
-yeah,too many :(
Are you afraid of falling in love?
-yup !
How's your heart lately?
- sangat2 la bebunga cinta.ahha
Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?
-haha yeah !
Do you like tattoos and piercings?
-i like piercing.bnyak kali pierced kat ats tlge and 2x kat tepi tlge.sumpah its pain !ahha
Do you want to have kids?
- i badly want it :)
If so, what would you name them?
-woo ta tepk lg la.haha
Do you like to wear sweatpants?
Are you playing hard to get right now?
Do you miss your past?
-uckin yeah :(
When did you last hold hands with someone?
- last sunday.afiq akmal la the 1 yg hold my hand :pp
When was the last time you cleaned your room?
-last moning :)
What are you excited about?
- meet my afiq akmal dis monday :)
If you could change your eye color what would it be?
-i am appreciate abt my eyes colour.
How is your hair?
-natural straight
Have you ever lived with your girlfriend / boyfriend?
Would you ever take someone back after they' ve cheated?
-yeah probably !
Are you taller than your mom?
-gn mama nowa yes !i am taller than her,but wif my late mom,she is taller than me.
Do you wear makeup?
Have you ever been called a bad influence?
-many said dat to me :/
Do you like to wear jeans or a skirt?
- jeans will looks better
19 March 2010
tade keje part2.ahha
Describe yourself is one word?
Do you have a favorite type of pen?
faber castle ape tah,yg o.5 tuh..alaa da lame ta pegag pen la,da lame ta skola.haha
What are your plans for this weekend?
- lepak2 dgn afiq akmal or g uma maklong kot
What does the 4th text in your inbox say?
- 'syg,b da tpup ne aw' haha
What was the last thing you highlighted?
- my diary :)
What color are your bedroom curtains?
-pink and blue :)
What color are the seats in your car?
Have you ever had a black and white cat?
- tah.haha
Do you know anyone that lives in Wyoming?
- ha?kat mane tuh ??brazil er??haha
Why did you withdraw cash from the ATM the last time?
- kpza mintak tlg kuarkan wet dy..haha
Who was the last baby you held?
-dania,name penuh ta ingt,baby fisha..aww cute taw :)
Do you know of any twins with rhyming names?
- my bf punye ex-gf..haha.. nana and didi !
Do you like Cinnamon toothpaste?
- hell NO baby !
What kind of car were you driving 2 years ago?
- basikal can ??haha
Pick one: Miami Hurricanes or Florida Gators?
- MIAMI HURRICANES (hmbos nyahh) haha
Do you have any wallpaper in your house?
- yup,at my kitchen :)
Closest thing to you that is yellow?
- amer punye bantal mcuk..haha
Last person to give you a business card?
- owg yg keje celcom tuh..haha
Closest framed picture to you?
- non
Last time you had someone cook for you?
- just now.
What was it?
- chicken rice. yummy ! :)
How many emails do you have?
- just 1 :)
Last time you received flowers?
- on my bufday,last year !haha.lame erk ?
Do you think the sanctity of marriage is meant for only a man & woman?
- lesbian pun bley kot..eh gay pun oke..hahaha
Do you play air guitar?
- naa !
Has anyone ever proposed to you?
-haha once !
Do you take anything in your coffee?
- i dun drink coffee laa..ayooo
What was your high school's rival mascot??
- i dun noe shit.haha
Last person you spoke to from high school??
Last time you used hand sanitizer?
- just now.
Would you like to learn to play the drums?
Last thing you read in the newspaper?
-cant recall,da lame ta bace newspaper.haha
What is the last place you bought pizza from?
- kat PIZZA HUT dpn uma ne laa..
Did you ever drink clear Pepsi?
Are you ticklish?
- err a bit..haha
Last time you saw fireworks?
- last month,in front of my house :)
Last time you had a Krispy Kreme doughnut?
Who is the last person that left you a message & you called back?
- my afiq akmal baby
Do you have a black dog?
- ade pulak. :DD
Do you have pickles in your fridge?
- haram bhaii
Are you an aunt or uncle?
- yup..imma aunt la ;)
Who has the nicest eyes that you know?
- farrina anuar..aww !gojes baby mate kau ! :)
Do you have a "notice me" part on your body?
-HAHA ade 1.my chken pox punye scar..haha
First off, what's your name?
How old?
- sweet 18
Where from?
Who's the lucky someone?
Who's the bff?
- rmi sgt la,but they noe :)
Who's the hero?
- AFIQ AKMAL ISAHAK ♥ ! aww =.=
What's the eye color?
- brown
What's the hair color?
- black
How many times have you been in love?
- less than 5x kot..hee..OMG !haha
Do you plan on having sex before marriage?
- hahahahhahaha err yes,eh no la! :DDD
Do you drink?
- before.haha
Do you smoke?
- before !
Would you call yourself confident?
- not at all.haha
What is the vacation you're most looking forward to?
-BALI la b***h !haha
Watermelon or Cantaloupe?
- lemon la..haha
Mango or Peaches?
- durian oke ta ??haha
Raspberries or Strawberries?
- blackberry la.haha.raspberries la.
Peppers or Tomatoes?
- tomatoes.
In middle school were you the "popular one"?
- emmm hee sgan la na jawab,ta laa popular sgt,suam2 kuku jew..ahhaha
What is your future dream job?
- saloon and boutique owner ;)
Have you taken any steps to achieve that yet?
- still in progress.haha
What exact time and date were you born at?
- not so sure but my parents said it was after the friday AZAN on 18th of SEPTEMBER 1992.yeaayyyy ! ;)
Name one comedy show we'd find you laughing at:
- macam2 aznil and halimah jongang.haha
What is your favorite thing to eat with a cup of coffee?
- eeyyuuww !coffee is damn sucks.i dun drink it..wekk
What is the thing we'd find you ordering at Starbucks?
What brand does your wardrobe mostly consist of?
- ZARA WH PDI and dress2 yg beli kat CS tuh.haha
Do you have all your teeth?
- hell i have all :)
How about braces or a retainer?
- non
How is your eyesight?
- not so gud but not too bad.
Any glasses or contacts?
- nop
How many birth marks?
- i dun have a birthmark yaww..
What was the last song you listened to?
- taylor swift,today was a fairytale.aww ! :)
What was the last show you watched?
- MTV hits
Who was the last person you talked to?
- abah
Who was the last person you had a phone conversation with?
- cikgu ayob .bahahhaa
What was the last thing you ate?
- rice.
What was the last thing you drank?
- juice,sky juice.bahaha !plain water la.eh same jew la tuh :DD
When was your last shower?
- this moning.
When was the last time you stopped to exercise?
- last 2 weeks.haha
After this, what will you be doing?
- recharge my fonee while texting him :)
Do you have a favorite type of pen?
faber castle ape tah,yg o.5 tuh..alaa da lame ta pegag pen la,da lame ta skola.haha
What are your plans for this weekend?
- lepak2 dgn afiq akmal or g uma maklong kot
What does the 4th text in your inbox say?
- 'syg,b da tpup ne aw' haha
What was the last thing you highlighted?
- my diary :)
What color are your bedroom curtains?
-pink and blue :)
What color are the seats in your car?
Have you ever had a black and white cat?
- tah.haha
Do you know anyone that lives in Wyoming?
- ha?kat mane tuh ??brazil er??haha
Why did you withdraw cash from the ATM the last time?
- kpza mintak tlg kuarkan wet dy..haha
Who was the last baby you held?
-dania,name penuh ta ingt,baby fisha..aww cute taw :)
Do you know of any twins with rhyming names?
- my bf punye ex-gf..haha.. nana and didi !
Do you like Cinnamon toothpaste?
- hell NO baby !
What kind of car were you driving 2 years ago?
- basikal can ??haha
Pick one: Miami Hurricanes or Florida Gators?
- MIAMI HURRICANES (hmbos nyahh) haha
Do you have any wallpaper in your house?
- yup,at my kitchen :)
Closest thing to you that is yellow?
- amer punye bantal mcuk..haha
Last person to give you a business card?
- owg yg keje celcom tuh..haha
Closest framed picture to you?
- non
Last time you had someone cook for you?
- just now.
What was it?
- chicken rice. yummy ! :)
How many emails do you have?
- just 1 :)
Last time you received flowers?
- on my bufday,last year !haha.lame erk ?
Do you think the sanctity of marriage is meant for only a man & woman?
- lesbian pun bley kot..eh gay pun oke..hahaha
Do you play air guitar?
- naa !
Has anyone ever proposed to you?
-haha once !
Do you take anything in your coffee?
- i dun drink coffee laa..ayooo
What was your high school's rival mascot??
- i dun noe shit.haha
Last person you spoke to from high school??
Last time you used hand sanitizer?
- just now.
Would you like to learn to play the drums?
Last thing you read in the newspaper?
-cant recall,da lame ta bace newspaper.haha
What is the last place you bought pizza from?
- kat PIZZA HUT dpn uma ne laa..
Did you ever drink clear Pepsi?
Are you ticklish?
- err a bit..haha
Last time you saw fireworks?
- last month,in front of my house :)
Last time you had a Krispy Kreme doughnut?
Who is the last person that left you a message & you called back?
- my afiq akmal baby
Do you have a black dog?
- ade pulak. :DD
Do you have pickles in your fridge?
- haram bhaii
Are you an aunt or uncle?
- yup..imma aunt la ;)
Who has the nicest eyes that you know?
- farrina anuar..aww !gojes baby mate kau ! :)
Do you have a "notice me" part on your body?
-HAHA ade 1.my chken pox punye scar..haha
First off, what's your name?
How old?
- sweet 18
Where from?
Who's the lucky someone?
Who's the bff?
- rmi sgt la,but they noe :)
Who's the hero?
- AFIQ AKMAL ISAHAK ♥ ! aww =.=
What's the eye color?
- brown
What's the hair color?
- black
How many times have you been in love?
- less than 5x kot..hee..OMG !haha
Do you plan on having sex before marriage?
- hahahahhahaha err yes,eh no la! :DDD
Do you drink?
- before.haha
Do you smoke?
- before !
Would you call yourself confident?
- not at all.haha
What is the vacation you're most looking forward to?
-BALI la b***h !haha
Watermelon or Cantaloupe?
- lemon la..haha
Mango or Peaches?
- durian oke ta ??haha
Raspberries or Strawberries?
- blackberry la.haha.raspberries la.
Peppers or Tomatoes?
- tomatoes.
In middle school were you the "popular one"?
- emmm hee sgan la na jawab,ta laa popular sgt,suam2 kuku jew..ahhaha
What is your future dream job?
- saloon and boutique owner ;)
Have you taken any steps to achieve that yet?
- still in progress.haha
What exact time and date were you born at?
- not so sure but my parents said it was after the friday AZAN on 18th of SEPTEMBER 1992.yeaayyyy ! ;)
Name one comedy show we'd find you laughing at:
- macam2 aznil and halimah jongang.haha
What is your favorite thing to eat with a cup of coffee?
- eeyyuuww !coffee is damn sucks.i dun drink it..wekk
What is the thing we'd find you ordering at Starbucks?
What brand does your wardrobe mostly consist of?
- ZARA WH PDI and dress2 yg beli kat CS tuh.haha
Do you have all your teeth?
- hell i have all :)
How about braces or a retainer?
- non
How is your eyesight?
- not so gud but not too bad.
Any glasses or contacts?
- nop
How many birth marks?
- i dun have a birthmark yaww..
What was the last song you listened to?
- taylor swift,today was a fairytale.aww ! :)
What was the last show you watched?
- MTV hits
Who was the last person you talked to?
- abah
Who was the last person you had a phone conversation with?
- cikgu ayob .bahahhaa
What was the last thing you ate?
- rice.
What was the last thing you drank?
- juice,sky juice.bahaha !plain water la.eh same jew la tuh :DD
When was your last shower?
- this moning.
When was the last time you stopped to exercise?
- last 2 weeks.haha
After this, what will you be doing?
- recharge my fonee while texting him :)
17 March 2010
want to know something ?
1# there is always a tissues and make up stuff in my handbag.bnde paling penting tuh.ahaa
2# in my bedroom,ade my sign name lisa♥ yg bsar kat ats katil i and b4 tyto mst i neok name and and shining star kat tepi2 name i tuh.ouh,bile gh feeling,tenteram sket jiwa ne.haha
3# bila i mara i suke cuci toilet bilik i,kire mcm buley la rilex sket ,tade na meroyan da.haha
4# i'd a very TENSE situation rite now ! i keep get angry and moody easily and soon after, i feel bad about it :(
5# i hate people gimme any order.it is not like ta buley,tp klu bg order mcm abah tuh,mmg aku ta bley trime.i swear to GOD !i hate it.wani,cube wat blablahblah,wani g la wat blah3..bajek aku bbik ???! F*** off !ahhaa..grr
6# there is a tym i can be too polite and there is a tym i can be very very very rude.ahha !
7# i sombong taw kadang2,jangan marah.hehe.tp i sombong gn owg yg i ta knal ..hehe :)
8# i love animals,tp i allergic gn binatang yg bbulu mcm cats,rabbits etc.
9# i love kids and i wish dat 1 day i can have a loooottt of childrens.hee.suke big famli and jlos bile neok owg len ade big famli sbb my famli ta ramai,sdare mare pun same,sbb ank2 dowg ta rmai.ahaa !ta sbur kot..eh tp lawa2 and nsem2 taw..teettt !haha =,=
10# i am an ambitious person.ape yg i wat,i akan wat dgn smgt.so i hope,ape pun crse yg i dapat nty,i akan do and perform well.thanx to my sweetie aida yg byk tlg carikkan i tmpt stdy yg ade crse beauty ne..hee.ily cuzzy,muahmuah ! :)
11# i luv new york cheescake secret recipe.snag cte sume cheese cake la i suke..yumm2 !ee.ice mint choc BR pun.aww !sdap kott.hee.and and i am addicted to collect tpup card..haha tataw asl,salu klu dapat tpup card yg rm5 or rm10 mmg i smpn dlm 1 box tuh.
12# i luv to being pampered.specially by my bf..aww gedik g2..haha !
13# imma kuat taching person.mampos buley klu na layan pasaan aku ne,peneng weyh kowg na layan nty!haha.majok ta hengat !
14# i frenly gn sape pun,tp kdang2 sombong.tp ingt,dgn owg ta knal jew.hehe.ouh and i jnis yg syg my fwens,fmli and and bf..hee :) ouh untung nyerr afiq akmal dpt sy,cehwah ta masal
15# penyabar !tp kadang2 ilang sabar.haha.kpale suke ikot angen aw..bahaha
*Need something/someone to cheer up. Ohh… Life isn’t as good as what i'd expected !sori ptg ne my mood agak gedikness sket =.=
rimas doe wa !
aku tataw la apasal !aku makin rimas dan rimas dan rimas babih dok uma ne !sumpah aku ckp !aku mcm na blah tawu !haha.kwaja erk ?tp mmg tuh pun yg aku na sgt3 skag !dok uma sik bgdo gn bapak wa na watpe en.wa tataw la dy apsal,na menopaus ke PMS ke ikan paus ke aku tataw !haha.bdo seyh lisa nih !grr -__-
lately,pbnde sgle aku wat sume dy na bbel.aku na mkn pun smpai bgdo buley ?ade ke aku tanak mkn dy g bsing2 soh aku trun mkn ??aku 18 oke bukan 8 taun !grr.aku na watper suke ah kan !bukan aku na g bno owg ke ape.aku dok lam blik pun slh,aku madah neok tb salah aku on9 pun na bgdo gn dy.aku bukak fb ta bley dy on9 fb sampai tegolek buley la ??habaq mai gn ciq sket !haha.aku tension ne..grr ! =.=
awne dy cuti.bkn na ckp gn aku.aku na g imigresen na wat passport dy ilek je ta ckp na cuti awne.aku da panas aty !naseb teachet ct call ajak lepak mkn kat pza hut pan uma ne.ta aa aku cm batak dok uma.ouh n ayonk is here !dy balik cuti smgu, thank god !ilang busan aku,hiphiphooreyh !da,skag aku na lincah babih..jap g dowg dtg amek..err alamak !tgn ade quitik pink la,ah !mampos !langgor jew..haha !ops,sori teacher..agaga :DD
kpd bapakku,ouh !jgn la dikau bg2,krana daku suda muak tgl diuma ne..wa na blah balik kl la bgus stay gn akk wa yg desperate tuh..wakaka..bubye !
muahmuah !
lately,pbnde sgle aku wat sume dy na bbel.aku na mkn pun smpai bgdo buley ?ade ke aku tanak mkn dy g bsing2 soh aku trun mkn ??aku 18 oke bukan 8 taun !grr.aku na watper suke ah kan !bukan aku na g bno owg ke ape.aku dok lam blik pun slh,aku madah neok tb salah aku on9 pun na bgdo gn dy.aku bukak fb ta bley dy on9 fb sampai tegolek buley la ??habaq mai gn ciq sket !haha.aku tension ne..grr ! =.=
awne dy cuti.bkn na ckp gn aku.aku na g imigresen na wat passport dy ilek je ta ckp na cuti awne.aku da panas aty !naseb teachet ct call ajak lepak mkn kat pza hut pan uma ne.ta aa aku cm batak dok uma.ouh n ayonk is here !dy balik cuti smgu, thank god !ilang busan aku,hiphiphooreyh !da,skag aku na lincah babih..jap g dowg dtg amek..err alamak !tgn ade quitik pink la,ah !mampos !langgor jew..haha !ops,sori teacher..agaga :DD
kpd bapakku,ouh !jgn la dikau bg2,krana daku suda muak tgl diuma ne..wa na blah balik kl la bgus stay gn akk wa yg desperate tuh..wakaka..bubye !
muahmuah !
15 March 2010
tataw na wat entry pew.
yeah,sy da kat uma dahlia..smlm pulang kesini dihantar oleh kpza and afiq akmal sy :)
smlm kan punye la beriye na g ITM kat lakin tuh skali aku mgon lambat,bantai tyto kul 5 pagi kot,tuh yg mgon smapai tgary,afiq akmal jgn ckp aa,sdar lak en dy da ptag !haha.so aku tmankan kpza g keje kawen mak angkat abg fendi,ibu..kat senai !waahh !uma blakang airpot..agak batak sebentar !haha.
besh gak la,begamba,karaoke,sume la..and and the most part paling aku ta suke is tym na grak uma ibu tuh,abg fendi and abg arep na blikan adiah utk pengantin so dowg na g ANGSANA !pehh,na g angsana dgn aku pkai baju kurung g2 and heels yg tinggi !kpza gn aku pun d ammg bngkek la kan !haha.aduii sgan bapak aa !tp layankan jew,smp UO,aku nmpak etit baby...aloloo comey jew gh lipat baju..hehe.na tgur tp ta sempat.dowg sume na lincah g cool blog,aku je ditglkn tekedek2 kat blakang !haha.sampai coolblog jumpe zyma lak gn bf dy :)
dlm kul 5 lebey balik,then kul 6.30 kua gn afiq and kpza.maai ujan ta lebat lak en.so afiq gedik2 soh aku mek dy kat uma.so aku pun berujan jap la kene hujan pbnde basah bagai en !grr.lame kot aku tgu dy.da trun pto gdik lak dy na g kdai bli rkok.maai aku brangen bley ?!ujan kot,klu cerah tape gak,aku da aa kbshn !haha tp klaka !bdo bdo !ahaa.then g CS,aku na carik cardigan.da beli 1..and and rase cam na bli ade 1 dress tuh tp kpza na cpt,so tajadik laa..nty aku pegi jusco jew la beli dress lain :(
afta dat g mkn kat sedap corner CS tuh,eh ade abg tuh sengih la.tp aku ta knal sape.skali mmbe afiq.wawa !bangkai,baru na miang2.haha.tym na ddok tuh afiq ktok pale aku en !grr.kpale aku mmg madah kene ketok gn dy jew -__-
pto kpza gn afiq buli aku.tbe2 afiq soh kpza amek wallet aku and kuarkan lesen L aku,dy na neok pix aku tuh haa..ee babih taw !dy pgag tgn aku ta mcm kuat lak,sakit taw !mampos aa,table kiri kanan na neok kesah lak aku !haha.malu aw,lesen L aku punye gamba sumpah mcm haram jadah,bnci sial aku neok.t P aku na mek kat kdai lain.haha !salahkan kdai lak en !abes mkn mereka twos mhantar aku pulang !bgtu lah ksdhn nya !ahaa..
err aish topi dy tetinggal lak lam beg aku..haha !aduii sori2..biala,bia aku na dy besekan pkai cap yg aku blikan tuh !ahaa..comey pew..smlm kua gn dy pun aku yg ta pnah2 pkai cap,layankan dy aw g cs pkai cap.bpak aa sgan gila..haha !eh eh 1lapa ne,dr td pg aw ta mkn..sbb mls na masak..haha !kk,signing out..bubye..
*im checking his fon and no pmpn tuh mmg sah aku da delete tp tataw either afiq da pasan ke blum..ahaa !kjam kjam !tape,aku kjam demi kbaikkan bsame ! :)
smlm kan punye la beriye na g ITM kat lakin tuh skali aku mgon lambat,bantai tyto kul 5 pagi kot,tuh yg mgon smapai tgary,afiq akmal jgn ckp aa,sdar lak en dy da ptag !haha.so aku tmankan kpza g keje kawen mak angkat abg fendi,ibu..kat senai !waahh !uma blakang airpot..agak batak sebentar !haha.
besh gak la,begamba,karaoke,sume la..and and the most part paling aku ta suke is tym na grak uma ibu tuh,abg fendi and abg arep na blikan adiah utk pengantin so dowg na g ANGSANA !pehh,na g angsana dgn aku pkai baju kurung g2 and heels yg tinggi !kpza gn aku pun d ammg bngkek la kan !haha.aduii sgan bapak aa !tp layankan jew,smp UO,aku nmpak etit baby...aloloo comey jew gh lipat baju..hehe.na tgur tp ta sempat.dowg sume na lincah g cool blog,aku je ditglkn tekedek2 kat blakang !haha.sampai coolblog jumpe zyma lak gn bf dy :)
dlm kul 5 lebey balik,then kul 6.30 kua gn afiq and kpza.maai ujan ta lebat lak en.so afiq gedik2 soh aku mek dy kat uma.so aku pun berujan jap la kene hujan pbnde basah bagai en !grr.lame kot aku tgu dy.da trun pto gdik lak dy na g kdai bli rkok.maai aku brangen bley ?!ujan kot,klu cerah tape gak,aku da aa kbshn !haha tp klaka !bdo bdo !ahaa.then g CS,aku na carik cardigan.da beli 1..and and rase cam na bli ade 1 dress tuh tp kpza na cpt,so tajadik laa..nty aku pegi jusco jew la beli dress lain :(
afta dat g mkn kat sedap corner CS tuh,eh ade abg tuh sengih la.tp aku ta knal sape.skali mmbe afiq.wawa !bangkai,baru na miang2.haha.tym na ddok tuh afiq ktok pale aku en !grr.kpale aku mmg madah kene ketok gn dy jew -__-
pto kpza gn afiq buli aku.tbe2 afiq soh kpza amek wallet aku and kuarkan lesen L aku,dy na neok pix aku tuh haa..ee babih taw !dy pgag tgn aku ta mcm kuat lak,sakit taw !mampos aa,table kiri kanan na neok kesah lak aku !haha.malu aw,lesen L aku punye gamba sumpah mcm haram jadah,bnci sial aku neok.t P aku na mek kat kdai lain.haha !salahkan kdai lak en !abes mkn mereka twos mhantar aku pulang !bgtu lah ksdhn nya !ahaa..
err aish topi dy tetinggal lak lam beg aku..haha !aduii sori2..biala,bia aku na dy besekan pkai cap yg aku blikan tuh !ahaa..comey pew..smlm kua gn dy pun aku yg ta pnah2 pkai cap,layankan dy aw g cs pkai cap.bpak aa sgan gila..haha !eh eh 1lapa ne,dr td pg aw ta mkn..sbb mls na masak..haha !kk,signing out..bubye..
*im checking his fon and no pmpn tuh mmg sah aku da delete tp tataw either afiq da pasan ke blum..ahaa !kjam kjam !tape,aku kjam demi kbaikkan bsame ! :)
14 March 2010
i ♥ fun fair !ahaa

seronokkan ary ne bjalan ?hehe.g neok wayang g fun fair kat angsana tuh and naik top gun sampai menjerit2 tekuar anak tekak,sampai mnges2 mcm owg na mati.mkn french fries kat SS then jln2 mcm owg tadew arah tujuan lalu ternampak DIA !ouh shit..haha ! i saw u sygg..eh syg ?hehe..miang tawu !weyh,na tecabot jantung ne nampak ko tawu ta ??da lame kot ku ta nampak ko,tp syg,ko mst ta mpak aku kan ?and and,sampai2 je nmpak manja..alalaaa manja makin comey taw skag..ehem2 !abg manjanext tym jmpe treat lisa mkn mcd oke ??haha
err actly na g keje kawen macik fyna kat dewan majidee tuh but tade transpot,kpza amek aku ptag.mase na g amek afiq,aku bawak kete sampai highway PG.haha.ggup gementar.besh ta kpza wani bawak kuda??eh kereta laa.haha.then ke bnda,neok ALICE IN WONDERLAND..alaaa cte tuh comey je,suke2..hee..masok wayang mcm owg kbulor ley ta kitwg ?haha.beli popcorn,nugget and hotdog.ahaa !then2 nmpak gani sewel.weyh ko asla maken gmok ??ko ckp aku kurus er td ??Well2,bese la,aku tawu aku mkin ramping..haha thanx :pp
then g mkn kat SS.bdo,hp aku ilang kejap en.afiq r bingai..hehe.afiq gak kene en..bes aku mane ingt siaa dy letak mane hp aku tuh,ta masal je lam handbag aku tadew hp mmg r darah aku bederau jap,jap g lam handbag kpza.haha bdo je.then2 g funfair kat dpn angsana tuh !alaaa seronok !aku paling excited kan..dlu kecik2 mase dok lumut ke kat mane tah,mama salu bawak aku g fun fair.tuh yg aku mcm gila jap bila nmpak fun fair..ahaa !
alang2 da masok,aku dgn gilanya nmpak sume bnde na naik,bila da naik,stat aa cuak !wawa.naik top gun !mcm ***l sket ah..sket je,sket !hehe..pehh !naik bnde tuh au na mati je kot rase.mule2 aku gelak2 ag,sampai kat puncak,aku da terbalik,peh aku rase mcm aku da na jatuh ke bumi,twos ta pandang bawah,pejam mate jew.da mnges2 da mase tuh,afiq tadew pasaan kan !akk yg kat sbelah naik gn laki dy pun tade pasaan,ta jerit pun,aku je kot yg mcm pontianak mati anak.haha !seram..aku da laa pnkot naik bnde tuh,pehh !mmg cabaran !haha..yeah !aku bngga,sbb brani nek bnde tuh even takot sbnrnye..sial aw,cine tuh ckp 5 round je,otak dy 5 round,lebey doe aku kire.ad lam 10x kot dy pusing yg tebalik2 tuh !ee bdo,tinggi taw.pas twun,afiq cm mabok,aku je ilek tp tgn mmg gegel aa..haha ! :DD
then balik sbb jam sudaa menunjukkan jam 12.30 pg,eh mlm.eh tgh mlm la !hehe.so dari angsana sampai banda uda utama aku yg bawak.hee buley aa,kete ta bnyak.tp asl sampai bukit je kete mampos !haha.bnci.bila tah aku na pandai bawak kete kat bukit.tape2,pelan2 kayuh,lame2 teror r tuh !err lps antar afiq akmal,twos balik..pnat weyh,then neok cte antu,pocong kamar sbelah..haha !aku tataw la asl awne aku sik wat bnde yg aku ta ske wat..neok cte antu la,nek topgun tuh la !haishh..and err agk bngag gn afiq akmal,krne hari ini seharian sy dibuli oleh dye :(
ade ke ptot dy madah na smackdown pale aku !grr -__-
da laa,na tyto..sok na g ITM kat larkin uh(cawangan),ade pebnde tah,papa long soh pegi..so aku kene la mgon pg,kjotkan si mickey sewel tuhskali and pegi saner..bawak slip SPM skali..haha maluunyerr aduii !sijil SPM sy tuh bharge gila laa,bukan sembarangan owg buley neok aw..haha ! (serabai) k la,nunyt..and and,ouh gamba justin bieber sy blom upload ag la and i miss my sazeni a lotttttttt suddenly :(
12 March 2010
video panas aku achai and fyna.haha
eh eh eh !ape seyh aku ne..smlm aku ckp result aku 5A??haha typing error la..bkn 5A,5B..oke la..2 dpt B+..teknologi binaan aku gn app sains aku ta silap..wakaka !tekno aku B+ en,mcm ta caye.aku dgn ta bace buku tym tuh bley memen kat uma fyna,on9 kat uma dy sampai bjoget2 buley dpt en B+ en tekno aku..ahaa !tp syukur alhamdulilah la.kedit bsepah2.tp tuh la,ade E la plak..grr..tp tapew,kene gak syukur oke :)
err na smbg cte sal amek rslt ne.smlm kat skola,aku gn mickey kul 10.10am da tecongok kat pan skola SDJ.mmbe1 aku sume ade yg gh otw la baru na mgon tyto la.waa besh !yeye smlm kul9 da na ade kat skola.ahaa !tp tape la,na wat cmner kan.but cyan my mickey,kene tunggu smpai 11.45 na g amek result dy..hehe..lau aku tawu ckgu skola aku tuh na bbel2 aku g tmn dy amek result dy dlu aw.eh then mase aku na blah,aku jmpe why !haha..why,imissyouu !wndu na kacau2 why lau why lalu pan kls lisa..haha gedik tawu !then jmpe la dak2 lame skola aku..agk teharu taw sbb kan da lame aku ta jejakkan kaki kat skola tuh,bila skali masok,peh terimbas kembari mmori lalu.haha.
err then pegi soping kat jusco tebrau sampai ta hengat !harus er ?harus la..tension2 kene g seronokkkan diri pula..err kps rakan2 diskola tuh,maap sy twos blah cmtuh jew er,harap ngerti mngapa sy terburu2 pulang yerr smlm..dan achai,im sori to u too..ta sempat lgsg siaa na jmpe ko but baby,u look so sweet taw smlm pkai baju kbaya tuh,mka suke nyah !ahaa :D
nty la,free2 lg kite meet oke ?sabtu ne aku na g keje kawen macik fyna,i'Allah la aku pegi en,da owg jmpot..pto t aku try la g tmpat keje achai ke uma achai ke.hee..klo newok chai,aku snggup merenangi lautan samudera smate2 utk ko aw !haha.tp klu ko ta syg aku gak tataw la pe aku na ckp da taw :pp
eh aku taching gn dy,sape ??dy la..yg salu mcj aku mcm owg ta pham bhase..sememangnyerr aku ne paling tasuke klu aku bbel panjang tp owg ta pham.ape yg ssh sgt ??jgn la mcm tiang lampu kat tepi jln yg tegak na mampos tuh !aduii klu na kwn gn aku,jadik la yg memahami,jgn jadik mcm owg bngok yg asyik na tanye knape,er ?yeke ?f*** dat oke !grr..da smlm aku emo2 en..ahaa!sakit aty beb aku !geram pun ye,aku da la berangen mseng2 na tanye result aku smlm pto dak uh bley mcm ta pham bhase lak en !tape,aku sbr je.nty lame2 aku blah baru dy tawu.huh ! (-__-')
eh ehe eh..and i put a vdeo mase tgh spm dlu.vdeo ne diambil lam bilik fyna,kat uma lame dy.and dirakamkan oleh si gebu siti hajar !haha..ouh i miss this tym..kegedikkan kecomelan yg terserlah kan mase zmn2 skola2 dlu..haha..actly mase ne gh dgr vdeo tektonik kat hp achai then ttbe mcm na tiru owg tuh jget tp haram !same abes kan..haha !tah pape jew kan kitwg jget..haha dan wndu pula utk merabe2 mereka.dlu zaman2 skola dowg ne mmg suke sgt men rabe2..tataw asl..haha !tade keje..ouh i miss my schoolhood :(
wndu zaman gila2 dan agak merbahaya dlu..haha enjoy :)
err na smbg cte sal amek rslt ne.smlm kat skola,aku gn mickey kul 10.10am da tecongok kat pan skola SDJ.mmbe1 aku sume ade yg gh otw la baru na mgon tyto la.waa besh !yeye smlm kul9 da na ade kat skola.ahaa !tp tape la,na wat cmner kan.but cyan my mickey,kene tunggu smpai 11.45 na g amek result dy..hehe..lau aku tawu ckgu skola aku tuh na bbel2 aku g tmn dy amek result dy dlu aw.eh then mase aku na blah,aku jmpe why !haha..why,imissyouu !wndu na kacau2 why lau why lalu pan kls lisa..haha gedik tawu !then jmpe la dak2 lame skola aku..agk teharu taw sbb kan da lame aku ta jejakkan kaki kat skola tuh,bila skali masok,peh terimbas kembari mmori lalu.haha.
err then pegi soping kat jusco tebrau sampai ta hengat !harus er ?harus la..tension2 kene g seronokkkan diri pula..err kps rakan2 diskola tuh,maap sy twos blah cmtuh jew er,harap ngerti mngapa sy terburu2 pulang yerr smlm..dan achai,im sori to u too..ta sempat lgsg siaa na jmpe ko but baby,u look so sweet taw smlm pkai baju kbaya tuh,mka suke nyah !ahaa :D
nty la,free2 lg kite meet oke ?sabtu ne aku na g keje kawen macik fyna,i'Allah la aku pegi en,da owg jmpot..pto t aku try la g tmpat keje achai ke uma achai ke.hee..klo newok chai,aku snggup merenangi lautan samudera smate2 utk ko aw !haha.tp klu ko ta syg aku gak tataw la pe aku na ckp da taw :pp
eh aku taching gn dy,sape ??dy la..yg salu mcj aku mcm owg ta pham bhase..sememangnyerr aku ne paling tasuke klu aku bbel panjang tp owg ta pham.ape yg ssh sgt ??jgn la mcm tiang lampu kat tepi jln yg tegak na mampos tuh !aduii klu na kwn gn aku,jadik la yg memahami,jgn jadik mcm owg bngok yg asyik na tanye knape,er ?yeke ?f*** dat oke !grr..da smlm aku emo2 en..ahaa!sakit aty beb aku !geram pun ye,aku da la berangen mseng2 na tanye result aku smlm pto dak uh bley mcm ta pham bhase lak en !tape,aku sbr je.nty lame2 aku blah baru dy tawu.huh ! (-__-')
eh ehe eh..and i put a vdeo mase tgh spm dlu.vdeo ne diambil lam bilik fyna,kat uma lame dy.and dirakamkan oleh si gebu siti hajar !haha..ouh i miss this tym..kegedikkan kecomelan yg terserlah kan mase zmn2 skola2 dlu..haha..actly mase ne gh dgr vdeo tektonik kat hp achai then ttbe mcm na tiru owg tuh jget tp haram !same abes kan..haha !tah pape jew kan kitwg jget..haha dan wndu pula utk merabe2 mereka.dlu zaman2 skola dowg ne mmg suke sgt men rabe2..tataw asl..haha !tade keje..ouh i miss my schoolhood :(
wndu zaman gila2 dan agak merbahaya dlu..haha enjoy :)
11 March 2010
besyukur jew la..
result da dapat dan result aku ?jeng2 !ahaa..oke la gak..5A,1C,1D,1E.. haha complete kan ?A jew tade..sumpah sedeyh babih ! :(
tape la,redha jew la.bsyukur sudaa..hmm wadah 4A,zul $a,neil 9A lau ta silap aku,fyna 2A.ewah !errmm mickey sy ?hehe..buley la..oke gak la kot..even worse !tuh la,aku soh blaja dlu memen !sebok men bola la pe laa,skag da nyesal en !padan muke kau afiq akmal..hehe..ta bek la..
pas mek result aku g skola mickey lak amek result dy..gahh !skola bukit indah mcm tadika siaa aku neok..hehe..bapak aa meriah buley ?agaga..err and and afta dat aku gn afiq g jusco tebrau..heee watper ??g shopping la..alalaaaaa suke sgt2 taw..syg,thanx yerr blanje sy td..ewahh !hehe..muahmuah sket..werkk :pp ahaha!
err dpt la 1 hndbag voir gn cap..alolooo so sweet of u syg,then aku pun blnje la dy gak 1 cap quiksilver.ah !cantek ke ta pedulik ke mak ??ahaa..balik uma dgn bebunga2 twos tunjuk abh result and masok bilik sambil tunjuk beg shpg aku kat abah (mganjeng).mls doe na dgr dy bebel..haha..layan kan jew la..huuu !okok..aku lapa..na twun bawah mnom..and pto na neok cte asmaradana kat tb3..eh besh siaa ctew tuh..aku follow taw...sbb ade tizz zaqyah :DD
i likeeeeeeee =,=
tape la,redha jew la.bsyukur sudaa..hmm wadah 4A,zul $a,neil 9A lau ta silap aku,fyna 2A.ewah !errmm mickey sy ?hehe..buley la..oke gak la kot..even worse !tuh la,aku soh blaja dlu memen !sebok men bola la pe laa,skag da nyesal en !padan muke kau afiq akmal..hehe..ta bek la..
pas mek result aku g skola mickey lak amek result dy..gahh !skola bukit indah mcm tadika siaa aku neok..hehe..bapak aa meriah buley ?agaga..err and and afta dat aku gn afiq g jusco tebrau..heee watper ??g shopping la..alalaaaaa suke sgt2 taw..syg,thanx yerr blanje sy td..ewahh !hehe..muahmuah sket..werkk :pp ahaha!
err dpt la 1 hndbag voir gn cap..alolooo so sweet of u syg,then aku pun blnje la dy gak 1 cap quiksilver.ah !cantek ke ta pedulik ke mak ??ahaa..balik uma dgn bebunga2 twos tunjuk abh result and masok bilik sambil tunjuk beg shpg aku kat abah (mganjeng).mls doe na dgr dy bebel..haha..layan kan jew la..huuu !okok..aku lapa..na twun bawah mnom..and pto na neok cte asmaradana kat tb3..eh besh siaa ctew tuh..aku follow taw...sbb ade tizz zaqyah :DD
i likeeeeeeee =,=
10 March 2010
god,give her a strenght for tomorrow !
aty ne,dpat ta dirase kan ?err smken bergoncang dgn laju lg kuat !ouh ape aku bbel ne ?haishh..mlm td ssh na tyto sbb dedor na mampos !mama nowa buley na interbiu aku psay result spm..lg la aku nebes na mampos.mama nowa tanye klu result oke na ape ?haha jgn tanye,mmg mcm2 nty aku na mntak.knana lagi la,aku ckp result na kua ade psaan lak en dy !grr..sampai aty ko ta kesah gn adek ksygn ko ne kan ?ahaa
okok,result stat kua kul 11 sok..tataw lagi la pegi amek kul bape,tgu mickey amek..haishh !takot sgt taw aku..nape tah..smlm amey balik skola dy tunjuk kat aku paper science n bi dy dapat 100% math dy lak 95%..eleyh dajah2 bley r,dapat result letop2,dapat naek fom4 ke fom5.dapat ke ta 95 ke 100 tuh !ahaa dengki erk aku ?tp tp akk2 aku punye result spm ke ape sume okok je..alaa tkot la..tah cmne ha result aku t ??dapat 10A buley ?eh asl mcm lebeyh sgt tuh ?ahaha..aduuii..ergh !na tawu,awne addicted dgn lagu the scientist by coldplay tuh taw.haha.apsal ?tah..and and i felt like lagu berdiri by suki mcm bagi smgt lak kat aku !haha !ayooo!
eh dak2 plkn da balik laa..erghh and mcm ta pcaye sok aku na g amek result taw !ouh shit !kan da mencarut..soriii,ta sgaje..haha !mickey sy pesan dan syazni sy pesan,just go fer it..jgn takot2..haa !ergh ne gh ym gn si gila tuh ,ee wndu bhaii !syaz,ko lincah aa balik..busan babih sial aku kat snie,tade geng !ahaa..erghh and and aku suke justin biebier..suke ape ?suke rambut dy yg sexy tuh..awww!also muke dy yg cute tuh la..woot woot !haahaa..comey lotey,sik ta bley kecek klate..wakaka !aku frust gn basit ne,jahat taw dy !ta menepati jnji !huh !haha..er k la na kmas2 uma and nty mlm na wat mcm2 bnde..kasi takot ne cpat2 blah dr bdn aku..
*aku tataw la asl,aku kan kat ats kan,dr td pg pintu uma aku yg kat bawah tuh bebunyi..mcm begoyang2 g2..eee takot mak nyah ! =.=
awwww !

09 March 2010
banyak na cerita,tapi tataw na mula dari mana
mula2 td da tukar layout blog ne.ehem2,nampak lebih manis kan ? kan ?da tade keje taw.bese la, owg da lame ta on9 kan, tuh yg cam batak sket.bile da on9 mcm2 na wat.on9 blog ne pulak mcm2 na cerita,tp tataw na mulakan dgn cerita ape, sbb da bnyak sgt kan cerita yg na dikongsi.tp tape, sy cube cite sikit2 er ?hee :)
neok,bila na type mule la terbang sgala bgai crte yg na dceritakan tuh..grr !tape2,sabar..kumpul idea balik..huh !okok,ne aku sebuk apply na masuk poli la kolej komuniti la ape sgala bgai kan..tp honestly aku minat 1 je,kecantikkan !hee..so macam ta brape ghairah la kan na apply kolej ke U pebnde yg lain2 tuh dan bila pkpk balik mcm makin tadew mud na mek result nty.shit ! and td ejal mcj ckp aku da makin smgt.haha babih !aku slim lg la.tade la gmok mane pun grrr =.=
aku da maken jao kan dari dowg.dr sape ?sape2 je la yg patot.hehe.da ta mcm dlu.da ta bnyak bunyi and layankan pale dowg lagi da.asal ek ?aku tersa la beb.hmm sokay2.eh winduu la ptag2 mcm ne g lepak kat tasek tasek gn syaz sambil mkn goreng pisang,aiskim calong,keropok lekor fevret syaz aku mnum air mnum air klapa and syaz telan air jagung.haha.kitwg mmg camtuh.klu lpak kat tasik layang2 tuh mcm na wat jamuan je.pdhak be2,salu greng pisang mst ta abes.tp knyang woo..sbb mkn angen bnyak aw and dgr gosip dr masing2 da wat pwot ne knyang.haha.wnduu ! :(
oke,da lame gila ta jumpe afiq akmal since last thursday.jmp awto pun kjap je.amek wet kat dy.ouh hal itu still lagi wat aku teharu.dy paling bnyak mmbantu tym aku mcm sewel kan !and and terkantoi pula psal gamba aku awto !bdo kan, tp aku skag da baik..cehwah !ehem2.err no dak baskin robin tuh na layan ke ?mane la tau t aku g jusco tebrau bley pau icemint choc chip fevret aku tuh kat dy and and + topping dy..letak strawberry sket en..pehh !alaaa aku lapa laaa..since tade bbik mkn ta tntu arah je aku ne.kitwg 1 famli ne salu abes kan mkn kat uma.haa lupe !awto kitwg g mkn kat johorport.ZARA FRENSCO ke pbnde tah name cafe tuh.tp sumpah cool gile tmpat dy !macam pegi mkn kat padang golf.tp besh,na pegi lagi oke.mknan dy pun sdap harga mmg oke la :)
aku bosan ne.ary2 dok uma download lagu.ahah.aku suke lagu2 pelik2 tp yg bley shake2 ur booty tuh la..haha !ade 1 lagu besh tp vdeo la.nty aku show kan oke ?err busan ne,lagu lady gaga yg fashion tuh pun mcm besh kan ?ta jemu aku dgr and yeah ! ayat2 aku menjadi smkin poyo ne ?ahaa dgr lagu starstruck lady gaga tuh bnyak sgt kot..ouh n yerr..daus kan da balik ipoh,mcm windu kan ?haha..gedik la.eh b4 dy blah awto,dy bg kinder bueno..alalaaaa ssh payah jew antar kat uma aku..err thanx yerr.. :)
gosh !busan ne..tataw na watper..da kul4 ne aw.tp stil aku ta mndi ag kan..haha..mals !kjap lg oke..kak nana na g holiday kat bandung.oke !adek kau ne ko ta invite kan ?sokay..awto classmate aku si ejal,abey n memey pun g spore ta ajak aku !fine..shpg kat spore ta invite en !grr !aku tachg ne..haha !tape la..t aku g UK tamaw ajak ssape.haha ulu klang suda..eee na balik kl laa.na lepak sane jap.tenang kan jiwa aty yg lara ne..cehwah !ahha..sumpah doe,dok kat jb ne skag makin aty aku sgsare.knape ?tayah la cte nape.kinda private sket..hmm cyan aku kan :(
bulan dpn aku da JPJ,sumpah da mls aku na g amek2 lesen ne !haha.ouh mase kame s tuh dr kota iskandar aku bawak kete daus tuh sampai 5 kedai.ahaa.syazni stress je kan dok blkg.aku tawu dy takot.haha.sumpah mcm gila kot aku bawak !hhaha.eh eh !cube teke aku suke sape ?kat de luna la..minat dy weyh,she is fu**in hot bley ??gahh !admired her a lottttt lottt mcm pixie lott..dy gn lady agag en..bergabung meletop, ahhh !haha..eh tuh stacy la..hehe..eh kames ne tataw la na mek result kai baju pe..baju dalam je buley ?swimming suit ke..bley ta erk ?haha..eh sabtu tuh aku beli kasut baru gn kpza.haha !ta suda2 kan ?hehe..
enjoy da song..err move2 and shake2 sket er..sumtym kene daring sket,kinda bored la sik jadi nice girl jek kan..haahaa.ape kah motif bebelan aku ne ?? :DD
neok,bila na type mule la terbang sgala bgai crte yg na dceritakan tuh..grr !tape2,sabar..kumpul idea balik..huh !okok,ne aku sebuk apply na masuk poli la kolej komuniti la ape sgala bgai kan..tp honestly aku minat 1 je,kecantikkan !hee..so macam ta brape ghairah la kan na apply kolej ke U pebnde yg lain2 tuh dan bila pkpk balik mcm makin tadew mud na mek result nty.shit ! and td ejal mcj ckp aku da makin smgt.haha babih !aku slim lg la.tade la gmok mane pun grrr =.=
aku da maken jao kan dari dowg.dr sape ?sape2 je la yg patot.hehe.da ta mcm dlu.da ta bnyak bunyi and layankan pale dowg lagi da.asal ek ?aku tersa la beb.hmm sokay2.eh winduu la ptag2 mcm ne g lepak kat tasek tasek gn syaz sambil mkn goreng pisang,aiskim calong,keropok lekor fevret syaz aku mnum air mnum air klapa and syaz telan air jagung.haha.kitwg mmg camtuh.klu lpak kat tasik layang2 tuh mcm na wat jamuan je.pdhak be2,salu greng pisang mst ta abes.tp knyang woo..sbb mkn angen bnyak aw and dgr gosip dr masing2 da wat pwot ne knyang.haha.wnduu ! :(
oke,da lame gila ta jumpe afiq akmal since last thursday.jmp awto pun kjap je.amek wet kat dy.ouh hal itu still lagi wat aku teharu.dy paling bnyak mmbantu tym aku mcm sewel kan !and and terkantoi pula psal gamba aku awto !bdo kan, tp aku skag da baik..cehwah !ehem2.err no dak baskin robin tuh na layan ke ?mane la tau t aku g jusco tebrau bley pau icemint choc chip fevret aku tuh kat dy and and + topping dy..letak strawberry sket en..pehh !alaaa aku lapa laaa..since tade bbik mkn ta tntu arah je aku ne.kitwg 1 famli ne salu abes kan mkn kat uma.haa lupe !awto kitwg g mkn kat johorport.ZARA FRENSCO ke pbnde tah name cafe tuh.tp sumpah cool gile tmpat dy !macam pegi mkn kat padang golf.tp besh,na pegi lagi oke.mknan dy pun sdap harga mmg oke la :)
aku bosan ne.ary2 dok uma download lagu.ahah.aku suke lagu2 pelik2 tp yg bley shake2 ur booty tuh la..haha !ade 1 lagu besh tp vdeo la.nty aku show kan oke ?err busan ne,lagu lady gaga yg fashion tuh pun mcm besh kan ?ta jemu aku dgr and yeah ! ayat2 aku menjadi smkin poyo ne ?ahaa dgr lagu starstruck lady gaga tuh bnyak sgt kot..ouh n yerr..daus kan da balik ipoh,mcm windu kan ?haha..gedik la.eh b4 dy blah awto,dy bg kinder bueno..alalaaaa ssh payah jew antar kat uma aku..err thanx yerr.. :)
gosh !busan ne..tataw na watper..da kul4 ne aw.tp stil aku ta mndi ag kan..haha..mals !kjap lg oke..kak nana na g holiday kat bandung.oke !adek kau ne ko ta invite kan ?sokay..awto classmate aku si ejal,abey n memey pun g spore ta ajak aku !fine..shpg kat spore ta invite en !grr !aku tachg ne..haha !tape la..t aku g UK tamaw ajak ssape.haha ulu klang suda..eee na balik kl laa.na lepak sane jap.tenang kan jiwa aty yg lara ne..cehwah !ahha..sumpah doe,dok kat jb ne skag makin aty aku sgsare.knape ?tayah la cte nape.kinda private sket..hmm cyan aku kan :(
bulan dpn aku da JPJ,sumpah da mls aku na g amek2 lesen ne !haha.ouh mase kame s tuh dr kota iskandar aku bawak kete daus tuh sampai 5 kedai.ahaa.syazni stress je kan dok blkg.aku tawu dy takot.haha.sumpah mcm gila kot aku bawak !hhaha.eh eh !cube teke aku suke sape ?kat de luna la..minat dy weyh,she is fu**in hot bley ??gahh !admired her a lottttt lottt mcm pixie lott..dy gn lady agag en..bergabung meletop, ahhh !haha..eh tuh stacy la..hehe..eh kames ne tataw la na mek result kai baju pe..baju dalam je buley ?swimming suit ke..bley ta erk ?haha..eh sabtu tuh aku beli kasut baru gn kpza.haha !ta suda2 kan ?hehe..
enjoy da song..err move2 and shake2 sket er..sumtym kene daring sket,kinda bored la sik jadi nice girl jek kan..haahaa.ape kah motif bebelan aku ne ?? :DD
07 March 2010
Nobody said it was easy, no one ever said it would be this hard
1st of all,i miss my blog again..lame kot ta update,comp rosak..tah bile owg kdai tuh na dtg antar..gram jewk..grr !my days ??ouh very great..ary2 ta lekat dok uma sampai bgdo gn abah..hehe..yeah !sp far,relation aku gn abah mmg teruk..ta btgur ape sume..tp dlm 2 ary ne da oke sket la..da tgur2 sket..humm but still aku terasa..sume ne pasal kes ary kames lpas la..mase aku gn syaz kua g jusco and g kota iskandar..eh besh taw,wat photoshoot gn daus and syaz kat saner..hee
okok..and aku teharu gile gn afiq..ouh baby,tataw na ckp cmne lg da..trimas utk sgale pngorbanan awak utk sy yerr..ta tebalas kot rasenyerr..daus pun,thanx fer evrythg..hehe..and thanx fer de new york cheese cake tuh juge yerr..nty jgn lupe upload pix tuh yer?ahaa..
currently mood aku sumpah swing na mampus !bese laa,ta baek kan gn owg lam uma ne..afiq soh aku g KL ,but i wont !plis la,bajek aku ley jao dr dye ?and aku rase afta syaz balik bangi aku cam sunyi balik taw..alalaaaa cyan aku taw..da tade geng na wat keje jahat and baik ag da..ahaa !nakal taw..and awto jmpe sha..alaa suke taw aku neok dania,comey jew...and sempat jmpe ayonk sewel uh..mcm bese,sewel dy ttap ta bwubah..haha !aku layan dy,aku pun nek sewel taw..aku bley en g uma sha bawak minah tuh naek scoot.aku lak uh yg bawak..pnah abes en aku bawak moto..mmg sewel ikot pale pmpn tuh..haha..
oke,result spm da na kua..my feeling ??pehh sumpah kecoh pewot weyh !
ssh kot aku na tyto mlm..haha !and awto mase mkn kat ZZ hutan bandar bley en aku nampak sowg tuh mcm cikgu skola aku,pdhal aku syok sndr..bahaha..pasaan sial aku skag..bes da dedoh sgt en..amek result nty afiq tmankan aku then baru aku g tmankan dy..laaaa cuak bhaii..kak nana ckp aku nyerr result mst dy tawu dlu..cehh !bajek aku na btau dy dulu ..aku btau dy last2 je nty..wakaka !denki erk ?okok gtg..bubye..
okok..and aku teharu gile gn afiq..ouh baby,tataw na ckp cmne lg da..trimas utk sgale pngorbanan awak utk sy yerr..ta tebalas kot rasenyerr..daus pun,thanx fer evrythg..hehe..and thanx fer de new york cheese cake tuh juge yerr..nty jgn lupe upload pix tuh yer?ahaa..
currently mood aku sumpah swing na mampus !bese laa,ta baek kan gn owg lam uma ne..afiq soh aku g KL ,but i wont !plis la,bajek aku ley jao dr dye ?and aku rase afta syaz balik bangi aku cam sunyi balik taw..alalaaaa cyan aku taw..da tade geng na wat keje jahat and baik ag da..ahaa !nakal taw..and awto jmpe sha..alaa suke taw aku neok dania,comey jew...and sempat jmpe ayonk sewel uh..mcm bese,sewel dy ttap ta bwubah..haha !aku layan dy,aku pun nek sewel taw..aku bley en g uma sha bawak minah tuh naek scoot.aku lak uh yg bawak..pnah abes en aku bawak moto..mmg sewel ikot pale pmpn tuh..haha..
oke,result spm da na kua..my feeling ??pehh sumpah kecoh pewot weyh !
ssh kot aku na tyto mlm..haha !and awto mase mkn kat ZZ hutan bandar bley en aku nampak sowg tuh mcm cikgu skola aku,pdhal aku syok sndr..bahaha..pasaan sial aku skag..bes da dedoh sgt en..amek result nty afiq tmankan aku then baru aku g tmankan dy..laaaa cuak bhaii..kak nana ckp aku nyerr result mst dy tawu dlu..cehh !bajek aku na btau dy dulu ..aku btau dy last2 je nty..wakaka !denki erk ?okok gtg..bubye..
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