- da abes praktikal. walau mcm2 dugaan n malang yg menimpa diri ini aku berjaya menghabiskan LI dgn jaya nya skli. syabas LISA NURUL SYAZWANI BINTI SAMAD! ahakss.
- abes LI aku start keje kat guess, omg im so happy workin there. new environment new frens n new in everythg. mcm2 pengalaman da dpt spnjg keje situ.
- still lagi in a relationship dgn MUHD AFIQ AKMAL ISAHAK ta kire bacen mane pun mulot org n setan manenye prangai aku. ops sori to say, sape2 yg nk sgt eok kitrg seperate, bgs mmpi jelaa, for meanwhile we're soooo happy tgther :)
- da start kelas, skag saya da jadi SENIOR!! haha. its my final sem honey. omg! though baru smlm je kelmarin daftar schedule da pack, omg plss mak ayam! bijik ta ready lg taw na wat projek utk fashion show nty. herghhh! animasi? ekstravaganza? plss tade idea lgsg dlm pale otak nih! :(
- kelas da start so skag aku tgh pkrn na benti keje! hmm u know beeing around with people u love mcm ishh syg nye na tglkn dorg tp aku thu tgung jawab aku as a student so the best way is i should quit, blaja dlu then can do anythg bile da abes blaja nty.
- about gegosip spnjg thun, just let it be. im happy now. tade any intention utk sakit kan aty sape2. so korg na watpe skag sukaty lahh yerr, mls kiahh na melayan sgt :) we are all grown up n should already know mane yg patot n ta patot. klu rase na meroyan n mmbenci sampai tua just go ahead but i never hate u :)
- lagi na cter ape? ouh keadaan sy baek2 saja walaupun mase na abes LI awto mm2 penyakit dpt :(
so here is some photos to be shared with y'all :)
always n forever my hero! ♥
closest friends kat tempat keje :)
with ezzy darling ;)
ouh n kite pun 1 kje gn iqa it just lain department je, i ladies dy kids :(
n tadaaa! my college girls! ♥ u guys taw! kawan till ever kay! tqe n we.
busuk always.hikhik
ok done doin everythg so lets sleep. nitey nite blogger :)