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22 March 2011

like im all alone again

I was feelin soooo lazy today, luckily kelas math postponed from 8 to 8.30 tw, then bley la tdo lame sikit kan.  last thursday kan ta dtg kelas puan so tataw la last topic harituh about what so die tetibe soh wat cntoh kat depan. haaa tercengang bangang jap oden! then i told her la last time ta dtg pastuh dy reply "ptot laa blur2 jer" haha best er puan, i like ur statement!! :P

nasib la kelas td ta sampai ptg, kalau tidak bley keras gak otak ni laja math sampai 6jam! haha. kelas abes kul 11. then gosip jap with my classmate, pasal kes nasha tuh la. haii putri putri. muke je cantik la kau nih tp mulut busuk sebusuk kerang busuk! kan da mendapat gn dak2 kelas aku. na wat cte pasal bdk SKD now, dapat la balasan nye :)

abes je bincang pasal kes nasha tuh 1 kelas balik n terus g uma zack, konon na amek ic miera la, nty boleh wat ic baru. jap g best, zack ckp ic miera dlm kereta mak dy! haha. serap. so terus balik uma aku la kan. da balik uma trus skype dgn fyna. haha berdekah gila weyh! tahu jela kepala kitrg ni sewel cmne en!

lagi c miera tuh, adoiyaii terus gelak ta bnti ingt balik perangai die td :D tgh mkn pun smpat ag skype gn fyna pastuh pas mkn biasa la, terusss boooom! dari kul1 sampai kul6 td kn.haha. tuh bngun pun sbb afiq call soh mangon! ngamok jap aku, haa!hehe  btw fyna sweetie, we both miss u and love u taw! take care there. nanti balik sini kite cube kuar ramai2 cm awto ok? :) 

ouh ouh this 29th march bufday tatty :)

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